40. Touch Me, Love Me, F*ck Me - I'm Drunk.

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In the van back to the hotel, I made a speech, lol. I told the guys how amazing they were, how much fun I was having, how they were all so nice... and of course, that I loved them. I think I loved everybody I encountered that night if I'm being honest, maybe even Oli.

My ramblings and affectionate slurs continued in the lift, much to everyone's amusement, and I heard Paige tell Oli to take care of me once we reached our floor. I didn't need to be taken care of though... I was fine, I was better than fine. I was happy.

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Summer is absolutely fucked. Not only drunk, but high too - though the drugs seem to agree with her, she seems happier than I think I've ever seen her. I don't think she's snapped at anyone or said a bad thing about anyone all night, in fact, I actually think at some point she even said she loved us, without adding some kind of snide remark excluding me after it. 

I watch her trying to walk straight to the lifts, trying not to laugh at how fucking clumsy she is as she sings some incomprehensible shit to herself and then bumps into the wall. I can't help but laugh at her and she looks back at me and grins at me before going back to trying to make it to the room without assistance. It's fucking funny to be honest and it's kind of  refreshing to see her being so carefree. She definitely doesn't seem like the same uptight, pissed off person who literally wanted to murder me the night before.

She stumbles and trips over her own feet as we exit the lift, landing on the carpet and then just laughing as she tries to get up and falls again. My God. She looks like a baby giraffe trying to figure out how to walk, lol, but for some reason it's kind of... dare I say it, cute. She doesn't resist me helping her up, in fact she grabs my hand once she makes it to her feet and shoots me the most mischievous look then starts running up the hallway, dragging me behind her. She's being so fucking crazy, but I have to admit, I'm kind of into this version of her. 

She tells me to hurry up as I find our room key like she's in some kind of rush and once I've opened the door, she races inside ahead of me. Before I have a chance to say or do anything, she's already stripped and thrown her dress on the floor in the middle of the room, now staring at me like she's waiting for something. God dammit she's fucking sexy, just standing there in skimpy underwear while I ogle her body like a total fucking creep.
"My God you're hot. Are you trying to kill me?" I question with a chuckle. She just smiles.

She suddenly says she'll be right back and disappears to the bathroom, so I throw myself onto the bed and cover my face with my hands because of where my thoughts have drifted. I'm not going to lie, I want to fuck her. How could I not when she's presented herself in lingerie and we're alone in a hotel room with nothing else to do but have sex?! I've wanted to fuck her again ever since that first shitty time we did it drunk though... it's not like it's anything new. I certainly didn't think it would happen though, especially not after how much she loathed me after my prank, but I'm not going to turn her down if she wants it. If she makes the first move, I'm going for it. She's all happy and uninhibited and I think we could have a lot of fun. 

The longer I lay on the bed thinking about it, the hornier I get and I'm really hoping she has the same thing on her mind while she's in the bathroom. I find out pretty quickly that she does as she swings the bathroom door open and steps out completely naked, then proceeds to do a spin at the end of the bed with a smile on her face. I literally laugh to myself because she's acting so crazy, but man, she looks really fucking good naked, I can't even lie. Her body is flawless in my eyes and her tattoos are sexy as fuck, plus I totally missed it the first time we had sex because it was so fast and unexpected, but I'm not missing my chance to play with that piercing between her legs this time around either...

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