15. Bed Wars And The Floor.

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The flight to Madrid wasn't long at all, but Oli was behind me and kept 'accidentally' kicking the back of my chair. He was as immature as a stupid fucking child and I tried to ignore him, but after a while my patience ran out. I turned around and was about to blast him, but a steward came and asked if everything was OK. I didn't want to get thrown off the flight, so I just bit my tongue but I was only an hour into a 3-week trip and already regretting my decision to come. To make matters worse, I was sat beside Paige and Matt who were completely engrossed in each other and having PDAs... Ugh. At least I had the window seat so I could stare out into the abyss of nothing and dream about throwing myself out the window to escape everyone.

We didn't get to the hotel until 11pm because of the time difference between cities and the traffic in Madrid, but we had no plans for the following day so it didn't matter. I was so tired though, probably left over exhaustion from Saturday night, the hangover I had on Sunday and the ever-lasting day at work I'd just endured. It was fine though seeing as we were now sat in the lobby of a ridiculously lavish hotel with our bags while the band's tour manager checked us all in. Rest and sleep were only a few minutes away. As I sat there, I noticed Paige and Matt exchanging flirty glances... probably sending each other secret memos about fucking the moment we had our rooms. Oh lord, kill me now. Between Oli being a pain in the ass and these lovebirds, it felt like it was going to be hell. At least Paige would no doubt be in Matt's room all the time and I'd get our room all to myself. I hoped we'd have a bath... I could do with one to relax after how aggravated Oli had made me on that fucking flight.

Their manager came back to us and started handing out room keys to each of the guys, then grabbed his case and started wandering to the lifts.
"Hey, uh.... what about our room?" I asked in grumpy confusion. Had he completely forgotten about Paige and I? Matt looked at me with a cocked head and a frown, like he thought I was insane and their tour manager looked totally confused then just kept walking. What the hell was going on? "Didn't Paige tell you?" Matt asked suddenly. Huh? Tell me what? I looked at Paige and her eyes quickly fell to the ground. What the fuck? What had she not fucking told me?
"The label was hardly going to pay for a room just so we could bring friends... We had to say you're our girlfriends so they'd pay for your flights..." Matt said a little hesitantly. I felt the blood drain from my body. "EXCUSE ME?!" I said LOUDLY.
"Yeah... we were only allowed to bring you if we shared our rooms, so Paige is with me..." he said, trailing off. I knew exactly what he was going to say. I knew everyone in the band apart from Oli had a wife or girlfriend so wouldn't share their room with me... 

"NO WAY. NO FUCKING WAY. I AM NOT SHARING A ROOM WITH HIM!" I screeched loudly in protest.
"Oh come on Sunshine, you'll love me by the end of the tour." Oli laughed as he stood up. I could feel rage taking over my body. Anger, fury and every single feeling of total disgust rushing through my veins as I shot my eyes straight to Paige. She fucking knew about this?! 
"I'm sorry, Summer, but I knew you'd pull out if I told you." Paige said quietly and sheepishly as the guys started to leave.
"Are you fucking kidding?!?!" I screamed. "Fuck you Paige! Seriously! This was so selfish! You know how I feel about the guy!" I seethed. How could she DO THIS to me?!
"I think you just need to get to know him, he's really not that bad." she whispered.
"Yes. He is that bad! I am going to be living in hell!" I said way too loudly.
"You'll be fine." she said gently.
"Come on everyone!" their tour manager yelled as he held the lift for us. Oh my God. What the hell was going on. I felt like I was in a nightmare.
"Come on roomie, unless you wanna sleep here." Oli laughed as he passed me. I glared at Paige and she stuck out her bottom lip, but I didn't change my mood about being absolutely fucking disgusted in her. What kind of friend does such a thing?
"You know what, I'm fucking going home." I stated angrily.
"There won't be any flights, Summer." Paige said.
"She's right... you'll just be sitting in a Spanish airport all night." Matt added. He was no fucking better. Both of them were so selfish. "You may as well at least sleep here and go in the morning." he shrugged. I hated that he was right.

At this point I really had no other option than to grin and bear it. Unless I wanted to try and sleep in the airport or fork out a weeks salary to get my own room in this stupidly expensive hotel, I was going to have to deal with the cards I'd been dealt. I angrily followed the group to the lifts and as I followed Oli up the hallway to our room, rage seared in my chest. Things became even worse when I saw the single, Queen-sized bed in the room.
"Oh you have GOT to be fucking kidding me!" I screeched. Oli just laughed as he put his suitcase on the luggage rack.
"Well they think you're my girlfriend. Of course they think we share a bed and fuck in it. That is what couples do." he laughed. Ugh, he was so vile.
"I am NOT sharing a bed with you." I stated as I just stood there with anger coursing through me. I was putting my foot down on this... there was no way in hell.
"I don't give a shit what you do, but I'm sleeping in the bed so you can do what you want." Oli replied with a shrug before jumping onto it. Oh my GOD he made me so furious!

I called reception and asked if we could change rooms, to a room with two beds, but apparently there were none available, so I grumbled to myself as I took the extra blankets and pillows from the cupboard and laid them out on the floor to create a makeshift bed. Anything was better than being in the bed with him. I couldn't stand it. He was such a selfish prick for letting this happen too. He damn well knew that I wouldn't be OK with sharing a room with him since we hate each other, yet he still agreed to it? He probably wanted to torture me or just make my life miserable, or maybe it was a ploy to try and sweet talk me and get me to like him - like I was some kind of conquest or something. UGH, I hated him, and don't even get me started on Paige. Some fucking friend she was! I wanted to fucking strangle her. She was in a room with her boyfriend, probably fucking and cuddling and having a great time while I was having to sleep on the hard floor, stuck in a room with the person I hated most in the entire world. Fuck my fucking life. 

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