7. Stroke My Massive... Ego.

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So Paige had come back on Sunday afternoon, barely said a word to me and then headed straight for the shower. I'm sure the only reason she even came home was because she had to go to work on Monday. When she came out of the shower, she proceeded to tell me about everything she'd done with Matt, but honestly, I zoned out because I was sick of hearing about it. She was like a fucking dog with a bone, like Matt was suddenly the only person that mattered in the whole world, like he was the centre of the entire fucking universe. She didn't ask about my night so I didn't tell her about the guy at the club, my fuck buddy, nothing. I hated that she literally didn't even ask, but people always do that when they start seeing someone... they just forget about everyone and everything else. Whatever. 

I decided to leave her home alone that night and go take my frustrations out with my other fuck buddy, the non lamp-destroying one. I needed a distraction from my anger and I was sure Paige would just be talking to Matt all night anyway since it was all she seemed to care about anymore. I needed a break from her, from Matt, from all of it. I wanted to go back to the guy I'd seen last night since he was better in bed, but I couldn't go a second night in a row - so my other friend would have to do. Once again, things were pretty heated but I was thinking too much about everything and subsequently I didn't even orgasm. What a fucking waste of time going to see him was.

- - - - -

The following Friday, Paige convinced me to go out with her, Matt and his friends again. I rolled my eyes at the thought of her ignoring me all night and knowing I'd see Oli again, but I didn't have any plans and I didn't want to stay home. I didn't want her to see that her being with Matt meant I was alone, or that I couldn't have fun without her. Besides, going out with them usually meant a booth in the VIP section and free drinks so... 

When we arrived at the club, I rolled my eyes when I saw Oli sitting beside Matt in the VIP area. Ugh. Why did he always have to be with him? He always ruined my night! I said Hi to Matt and kind of scowled at Oli as Paige and Matt started their first PDA of the night. Fucking gross.
"Hey Sunshine." Oli said as I stood there, not willing to sit beside him. Ugh, I was not in the mood for him at all.
"Can you just stop pretending that we don't hate each other already?" I asked.
"What? Who said I hated you? I don't even know anything about you." he said. Seriously? It was hardly like he'd ever tried to get to know me, he didn't even fucking call me by the right name.
"Well just to be clear, you know nothing about me because you're always too busy trying to get me to stroke your massive ego." I said. He sniggered.
"My ego isn't the only thing about me that's massive." he replied before leaning in closer. "It's not the only thing I wouldn't mind you stroking either." he said with a wink. UGH!
"You're absolutely repulsive!" I stated as I left for the bar. He just laughed. God he was so disgusting. I'd been there for 2 minutes and he'd already pissed me off.

I avoided him all night, in fact, I spent most of my night on the dance floor with random people - girls, guys, I didn't care. I just wanted to get drunk and ignore Paige and her bloody boyfriend, and Oli. He infuriated me. All of them did.

Paige joined me on the dance floor a couple of times, but I moved away when Matt joined her and made me look like a third wheel. I just wanted to get away from the guys, but no, I couldn't even dance with my best friend for ten minutes without Matt coming up and making it into a fucking love fest. Fuck! I didn't hate Matt, I just hated how he and Paige couldn't be away from each other for more than ten minutes and how they shoved their PDA's in my face. Maybe deep down I was jealous of her, envious that someone was so into her... that she had someone's attention so firmly honed in on her. I left the dance floor and I decided to message my fuck buddy from a quieter area of the bar. I craved attention and honestly, I needed to feel like I wasn't invisible. I waited ten minutes and I was frustrated when he didn't reply, so I messaged the other one and was even more frustrated when he said he was out. ARGH! Why did life fucking hate me so much?! I swear I could never catch a break. All I wanted was to feel something.

"Waiting for me in a dark corner, huh?" I heard from behind me, instantly recognising Oli's irritating voice. I was already annoyed, but I became absolutely enraged as I turned to face him, he was going to cop an absolute earful.
"Listen up, rock star. I'm not one of your little groupies and I'm not going to run around kissing your arse just because you're famous." I stated as I pushed my finger into his chest. "I don't like you. I don't like your tattoos, I don't like your stupid fucking pink hair and I don't like your little bad boy act. It is NOT a turn on for me, so just fuck off and leave me the hell alone." I snapped. 

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My God that was hot

Shit. She's so fucking angry.

I don't know why her complete disgust and disinterest in me peaks my interest, but I love  that she doesn't want me. Most girls bore me; they throw themselves at me and I don't have to make any effort to get anything I want, but this one... THIS one... she's a massive challenge, and I LOVE a challenge. 

I love the way she hates me so much. I love the way I can get under her skin so easily and for the first time in a long time, someone is telling me no. God that makes me want her. Her resistance is such a fucking turn on.

I bet she'd be fucking wild in bed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Ooh, fiesty. I like that about you." he replied with a grin that I wanted to slap off of his smug face.
"Well I don't like anything about you, so do me a favour and fuck off." I snapped before storming away. I was livid and I wanted to go home, so I did. Fuck Paige, fuck Matt, fuck Oli, fuck my fuck buddies. Fuck every single one of them. I hated them all.

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