11. Everybody's On Drugs.

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The week at work flew by. I was always busy and running around doing something so the days never dragged. On the weekend I joined Paige and her new friendship group at several bars, and while I didn't dislike going out with them, I avoided Oli as much as I could. I hated him and found it quite disgusting how he made out with multiple women on a night out and took someone home every single time. Sure, I hooked up with people too, but not every single fucking time and definitely not two in one god-damn night! I really wasn't looking forward to having to see him do that even more when I was on tour with his band in a couple of weeks.

Paige made an effort to juggle both Matt and myself, spending time with me and him separately, and when we went out, she didn't just pretend I didn't exist anymore so it was much easier to enjoy myself. I was less annoyed with her now that she was aware of how I'd felt at the start... that and I guess she owed me for agreeing to go on this trip around Europe with her too. The more I got to know Matt, the more I realised he was actually a nice guy, I just really hated that Oli was always with him. He never stopped with the snide remarks and sexual comments... I don't know why he purposely tried to piss me off and get a reaction from me, but he did, all the time. He was a fucking idiot and if he weren't on our nights out, I would probably have enjoyed them a hell of a lot more. I hated being annoyed all the time but it was impossible not to be whenever he was around. I actually hated him.

I saw my sexy, new fuck-buddy Dan two more times after we met, but on our third night together, I got the feeling he was maybe getting a little too interested. The sex was good, but he tried to talk me into going to dinner with him and then he asked me to stay the night after we'd had sex. It was way out of the realm of what a 'fuck buddy' does and I guess it put me off. It felt uncomfortable, so I told him I was going on holidays for a while to give it a breather. I mean, it wasn't a lie, I was going away in a week or so. Maybe I'd give him another shot when I got back, but I really wasn't sure. As soon as there was any hint of feelings or wanting anything more than just sex, I ran. I always did.

The last time I went out before the trip began was the following Saturday, a couple of days before the flight to Spain for the start of the tour. The guys were throwing a party to celebrate Matt's Birthday, so of course, I went along. I had never been to their place but Paige had told me about it, that it was a flashy penthouse that Matt and Oli shared, and it was a big apartment for only two people, but there had to be at least 50 people there when we arrived and it was packed. The first thing I saw on arrival was a girl in what looked no more covering than a bikini top on Oli's lap with her tongue down his throat... predictable and disgusting as always. I immediately grabbed a drink before finding Paige and Matt and wishing him a happy birthday, then I disappeared out to the balcony. Anywhere with fresh air always felt like an escape.

The balcony was where I met Lynsey. She was from America and the front woman for a band I didn't know. Apparently she'd toured with Bring Me The Horizon recently. She was beautiful in a unique way; alternative and kind of tomboy-ish, but with the most pretty face - perfectly finished off with a nose ring. We hit it off instantly and chatted on beanbags about god only knows what as we drank, and I watched people snorting cocaine and popping pills. It seemed like everybody was on drugs out there! Lynsey split a white pill and asked if she could put half of it on my tongue, telling me it would make me happy. I didn't know what it was but I said 'sure' because it was so small, what harm would it do? Honestly, time flew by, and while I declined any more drugs, I was pretty drunk and as my new friend had promised, happy.

We went inside to dance and I had so much energy; I'm guessing from whatever it was that I took an hour ago. I was dancing like I was at a rave, bouncing around and just feeling the music in my veins like a crazy person. I noticed Oli looking at me after a while and I wished he would go away. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone and pretend I wasn't there like I tried to do with him? He pissed me off. I frowned at him when he grinned at me with that cocky smile as his bimbo tried to get his attention, then I turned my back to them. I didn't want to see him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


God, she's fucking hot. I can't even pretend like I don't think so. 

Her body... the way the fabric of that dress sticks to her skin.... the way she moves her hips... Damn.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oli came up to Lynsey and I on the dancefloor after a while and his little bimbo friend didn't look too pleased about being left on the couch alone. I just laughed and excused myself to the bathroom to avoid having to hear whatever bullshit was going to come out of his mouth. I had nothing to say to him so Lynsey could deal with him for the both of us. While I was waiting in the hallway for the bathroom, Oli's bimbo friend approached me and told me to, quote: 'back the fuck off'. Seriously? Was she insane? I laughed right in her face. "Stay away from him. We already fucked and he told me I'm the only girl he wants. He clearly wouldn't want you anyway so don't bother trying." she bragged. I actually laughed so loudly.
"Are you delirious? I have no desire to go anywhere near him! He is all yours, honey." I replied with a laugh. "Oh and uh, you might want to get checked for STDs, he's fucked like 10 other girls this week." I laughed. Seriously, was she on something?

I drank with Paige and sat outside with Lynsey for another hour or so until we were all called inside around 1am - apparently we were going to have cake and then play truth or dare. Truth or dare? What were we, sixteen? Despite my initial disinterest, I was high and tipsy so it was probably going to be kind of fun. Besides, I never said no to a dare.

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