29. Karma's A Total Bitch, Babe.

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I met Paige again after the band had gone to soundcheck and she came to my room and sat on the bed, looking around with a grin as I found something to wear to the show in a couple of hours time. We decided to just go later on, avoiding the support acts and hours of waiting around backstage. We had a beautiful city all around us. It seemed like a waste to spend it sitting in a concert venue so we were going to have a couple of drinks before heading to the venue.

"So, you and Oli haven't murdered each other then?" she chuckled.
"I've come close about a thousand times." I replied.
"Is he really that bad?" she asked. "I mean, he's not nearly as messy as Matt." she chuckled as she looked around the room I shared with him.
"Yes. He is that bad." I stated in response. "You know the date I went on in Munich two nights ago? Well we went back to the hotel and he thought I had a boyfriend because he saw Oli's shit everywhere. That's why he left. Oli fucking ruined my night without even being there." I groaned, revealing the whole truth about my date to Paige.
"Oh my God! No way." she quipped.
"Yes way. We were almost having sex in the hallway, then it was ripped away. I'm SO fucking horny and frustrated, I'm literally dying Paige!" I exclaimed. I was so horny that everything was affecting me, and Oli fucking sucking on my finger just a few hours earlier didn't exactly help!
"You'll find someone tonight." she replied. "I'm sure of it." she stated.

I dressed in another fucking sexy, miniscule dress; this one backless with a low neckline so you could see my sternum tattoo and the one on my back. It wasn't exactly what I'd wear to a metal concert ordinarily, but you know, since we didn't have to be shoulder to shoulder in a pit of violence... We had a couple of drinks at an outdoor bar, then headed to the show about twenty minutes before the guys were due on stage. Oli eyeballed me in my revealing dress and I laughed to myself at how pathetic he was, though, most people that saw me did check me out, it's not like he was an exception. 

The show was the same as always and a few guys tried to flirt with me backstage, but nobody was really my type or had the banter to peak my interest. I did find one guy that was hot as fuck, but he blew me off pretty much immediately. Ugh. What was it with this tour? It was like I was doomed. Was there a big, neon sign above my head reading 'avoid'? It sure fucking felt like it! We headed out once the guys came off stage as usual, to a club that had a gigantic dancefloor and free drinks, though most of the guys said they weren't going to have a big night. I guess that made sense, but boo. There was a DJ and clearly a lot of smoke machines since the place was really hazy, but I guess it was setting the mood.
"Well, I'm off to find someone to fuck." I said to Paige loudly to get over the music. She nodded and wished me luck and Matt had overheard also, because he also wished me luck. How embarrassing.

I roamed around and eventually ended up with a pretty big group of people; they were actually on an organised tour around Europe, so probably down for anything in the same way that I was. They had a whole bottle of absinthe that they were taking shots of, so I got involved when they offered it to me. There were a few guys in the group who talked to me, but only one that even remotely caught my interest. I couldn't even tell you what his name was, but he was kind of hot and I clearly needed to lower my standards if I wanted to get any action. I stayed with them for a while, smoking weed and drinking too much again, but eventually I headed to the bar to get myself a drink; something a little more substantial than a shot of green, herbal liqueur. The line for drinks was long, so I just stood there hoping some gentleman would let me cut. No such luck. I did however, hear a voice not too long after I'd been waiting, directed only to me.

"You look really fucking good in that dress." he whispered by my ear. I knew who it was, despite his voice being low and intense. It was Oli and I knew he wasn't kidding, I knew he meant it because I did look fucking good in the dress.
"Yeah?" I asked without moving. "I look even better out of it." I replied.
"I think you should let me be the judge of that..." he replied. God he had game when he wanted to.
"You wish, Sykes." I replied teasingly. He shifted and I went to move away but he put his arm around my waist and pulled me back into him; so hard that I could feel his dick through our clothes. "Yeah, I fucking do." he said deeply. What the hell? His gripes and remarks usually pissed me off because he was just being a fuck head, but it wasn't like that right now... It was like he was actually hitting on me, not just saying sexual shit because he knew it got under my skin, but saying it because he actually wanted to get me into bed. I felt powerful knowing he wanted me, like I had something over him because he wanted something he couldn't have. I'm sure he'd never had to make any effort for sex in his entire life so I enjoyed knowing that he couldn't just get what he wanted when it came to me. I was never going to give in to his advances, no matter how desperate I was. I wasn't ever crossing that fucking line with him. His flirting made me feel good though and he did have a lot of game. He was also kind of hot when he was trying to seduce me. Shame for him it wasn't going to work...

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