32. The Morning After The Night Before.

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I headed back to the room after meeting with Paige and I ignored Oli as I went to my suitcase. He was laid back on the couch looking at his phone so I quickly grabbed some clothes and went straight to the bathroom to shower and get dressed for the day. I wanted to avoid Oli as much as possible, to pretend like the night before hadn't even happened. God I knew he wasn't going to let that happen though, he was always trying to piss me off and now he had the best weapon ever to do just that. Ugh, I was so angry with myself and so full of regret. 

When I left the bathroom, Oli was still in the same place, but he clearly wasn't going to let me have my ignorant bliss. I knew he was going to say something stupid about the night before because he sat up, but I really, really didn't want to hear it.
"Soooo are we just going to pretend like we didn't have sex last night?" Oli questioned with this annoying amused tone. Ugh, why did he have to sound so fucking smug about it?
"Well yeah, I would love to pretend it didn't happen actually." I replied.
"Oh come on, Sunshine. You fucking loved it." he chuckled. I literally scoffed as I turned around to look at him.
"Loved it? Please. You fucking blew it in like 2 minutes, dude. I never even stood a chance." I stated. Oli just sat there, now frozen and silent like he didn't have a come back. For the first time maybe ever, I think he was actually lost for words and unable to come up with some smart-arsed remark to throw back in my face. "You know, I really expected more from someone who talks such a big game." I added as I turned back to my suitcase to grab my things for the day.
"Yeah, well I was drunk." he chuckled. Really?
"Poor excuse, Sykes." I chuckled.
"Alright, give me a do over then. No alcohol involved this time. I'll blow your mind." he said with that stupid tone of amusement again. I audibly laughed. Was he joking? It was bad enough that I'd fucked him drunk! I wasn't ever going to make the mistake of sleeping with him again.
"No fucking way." I replied without turning around.
"Oh come on, Sunshine. I clearly need to prove myself to you." he practically begged. What the actual hell? Was he delusional? "No thanks. One drunken mistake was way more than enough." I replied as I grabbed my handbag and headed for the door.

We had the day off, so while I didn't quite know where I was going, anywhere was better than being alone in that room with him. God, how was I going to live with him after this?! I walked around town all day on my own, ignoring my phone entirely. I just needed to be alone and have some space after all of the shit that had gone down the night before. How could I be so stupid?! Paige and I had walked across the famous bridge in Prague and seen the castle the day before, but I ventured over again to see the 'Lennon wall' of graffiti and art, plus a church that looked amazing online. I went into town to see the astrological clock and the stunning gothic church... that was absolutely beautiful, like something out of a dark fairy tale. I replied to one of Paige's messages in the afternoon as I strolled around a tiny, hidden art gallery, just letting her know that I was coming back for dinner with everyone - I mean, I wasn't about to skip out on free food, so I headed back to the hotel in the late afternoon.

When I got back to the hotel, Oli was occupying the bathroom so I decided not to shower, just to change and put on some makeup. I wasn't going to make a tonne of effort, so I just did some eyeliner and basic stuff and I was almost finished when Oli emerged from the bathroom in a towel. It was wrapped low, too low and while I had obviously seen him naked the night before, I didn't remember it at all. I certainly didn't remember the tattoo that I could now see that read 'reckless', sitting just an inch or so above his dick and subsequent towel. God it was hard not to look, but I knew he was doing it on purpose. He'd probably fucking drop his towel and hope I see the whole fucking package just to get a reaction out of me. I climbed off the bed to leave, to remove myself from the situation and to erase the temptation of looking at him and getting caught.
"Running away from me, again?" he asked. "Afraid you might like what you see?" he chuckled. God he was so fucking cocky.
"Your games aren't going to work on me. Walking around half naked is not going to make my knees weak, so you can cut it out." I replied. I made sure I kept my gaze on his eyes the entire time, even though honestly, I kind of wanted to ogle his body. I wasn't going to admit it to him or anyone, but he was attractive based purely on looks.
"Come on Sunshine, I like it when you look at me." he winked. Ugh, repulsive.
"Stop being so full of yourself." I stated.
"You're the one that was full of me, love." he chuckled. Asshole. I shook my head and left the room.

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