33. Waking A Vengeful Beast.

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If Oli wanted to pull bullshit like that on me, then I'd do shit that pissed him off and made him look like an idiot too. He had awoken a vengeful beast inside of me that would wait in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to humiliate him just as much. 

Just a couple of minutes into my walk home, Paige messaged and asked if we could hang out. I didn't really want to deal with anyone, but it was early and I didn't really want to go back to the hotel either, so I replied and said OK. I met her and Matt in the old square, in front of the gothic church I'd seen earlier. It looked eerie at night, but fucking beautiful at the same time. I wished I could go inside. Paige came up and hugged me when they arrived, leaving Matt a little further behind.
"He's such a jerk, he shouldn't have told everyone something so private." she said as she let me go.
"Yeah well he's a fucking asshole, I told you he'd be a dickhead about it." I replied as I let her go.
"Anyway, can we not talk about him anymore, I need a break." I said with a heavy exhale.
"Sure." she replied.
"Hey, um.. sorry to interrupt, but I noticed a place selling absinthe ice-cream back there... you wanna try it?" Matt asked, approaching with caution and trying to change the subject. Paige squealed happily and I agreed, at that point I really didn't care what I did as long as Oli wasn't there.

The absinthe ice cream was strange yet good and as we wandered around eating, we came across a 'Sex machines' museum. Matt wanted to go in, so we did - though I really wasn't over the moon about looking at anything sexual with those two. We mostly laughed at the displays; weird contraptions, funny figures and even gym equipment that had been turned into dildo-laden pleasure machines... it was hilarious. There was some bondage stuff that was actually pretty fucking fun looking though, I can't lie! 

We walked via the Charles Bridge on our way back to the hotel around 11:30pm and honestly, I'd had a fun night after leaving the club. Hanging out with Matt and Paige and actually seeing the city at night was so much better than sitting around just getting drunk all night. The room was so quiet and peaceful when I got back too, so I took a shower, packed my suitcase and then just relaxed on the bed. My eyes were heavy after about ten minutes of scrolling though, so I decided to just give in and go to sleep. I didn't really want to leave Prague in the morning, it had easily been my favourite place on the trip so far, but Vienna was up next and it also looked pretty interesting. I hated Oli, I truly did, but the places I was getting to see just about made up for it.

- - - - -

When I woke up, Oli was asleep in the bed, so he must have either been considerate when he got back or I was just so tired that I slept through his noise and disruption. Probably the latter. I had showered before bed and packed pretty much everything the night before too, so I quietly dressed then took my suitcase down to the lobby with me as I went down for breakfast. Paige and Matt met me about fifteen minutes after I arrived, along with their tour manager and Matt K  who had apparently gone home early the night before too. I guess the others were still sleeping off their partying.

I don't know if Paige was trying to make an effort to hang out with me more, but I really appreciated that she was spending time with me. Hell, I had even started to kind of enjoy Matt being there too. I mean, I probably wasn't quite as honest and blunt about things as I would be without him around, but I definitely complained about Oli less, you know, seeing as he was his best friend. 

Our mode of transport to Vienna that day was a bus, a coach in fact. It wasn't the mini bus we'd been on previously, but a comfy one with reclining seats. Typical that the one time we had a super comfy bus was when I didn't need to sleep, but hey, who was I to complain about  travelling in comfort? I took a seat toward the front of the bus knowing full well that the guys always went down the back, and I reclined my window seat as we headed off toward our next stop on the tour.

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