24. Daddy.

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I went home early and I don't know what time Oli arrived back in the room, but he was in the bed when I woke up at 8am. We were due on a train that morning, so I went to shower and get dressed before heading down to breakfast. I felt refreshed and alive, a million times better than I had the morning prior.

We boarded the first class cabin of the train at 10:15 and I took a seat next to Jordan since Paige had already sat beside Matt. Jordan was on his laptop with headphones on, so I just looked out the window as we pulled away from the station. I didn't know where Oli had sat in that carriage, but even over all of the talking and sounds of the train, I could still hear his damn voice and I rolled my eyes to myself as he bragged about his night. I didn't hear it clearly, but he'd definitely fucked someone and was talking about two girls and blowjobs. Ugh, he was such a whore and even more repulsive for bragging about it so loudly, obviously wanting everyone to hear. I put my headphones on and drowned out his man-whore stories with some not-too-crazy metal music. Honestly, I was frustrated though. I hated that I hadn't managed to sleep with anyone yet, well, barely anyway. I hated how disappointing my night had been in Lisbon with the Tinder guy, how what should have been the best night of my life with Matt was a total let down, and I hated even more that Oli pulled a girl every fucking time he wanted to without even trying. Ugghhhhh. I needed to try harder to find someone worthy. I fucking needed to get laid! I got out my phone and loaded Tinder, deciding to give it another go. I set my location to Munich and I started swiping, looking for a German hottie. I wasn't going to leave my conquests to fate this time around, I was going to seek out someone attractive and plan my sexual encounter like I would at home if I was in the mood. By time we'd arrived in Munich, I had matched with six hot guys and chatted to two of them; one of which had wasted no time in asking if I wanted to meet him for a drink that night. I playfully said I would think about it, but I was going to agree. He was really hot.

The band headed off to soundcheck as soon as we'd checked in, so Paige and I wandered to the old town which was only 10 minutes away. There was a pedestrian street lined with shops and cafes, plus beautiful old cathedrals... it was a stunning place! We snapped photos like tourists, stopped for coffee and traditional donuts and I treated myself to a really sexy dress from one of the boutique stores. I decided I would wear it that night to the 'date' I'd since agreed to go on with my new tinder friend. We headed back to the hotel at 6pm once the guys had returned and Oli wasn't in the room, so I headed straight for the shower. I blow-dried my hair, put on makeup, got into stiletto heels and made sure everything looked good - including the wonderful cleavage this new dress gave me. I liked how low-cut it was and the way it showed a peek of my sternum tattoo. I knew how fucking good I looked in it so I was happy when I heard Oli arriving back in the room. I wanted him to see me in it. I hoped it frustrated him. 

Of course he eyeballed me like he'd never seen a woman before as soon as I emerged from the bathroom, but that just made my confidence soar. Teasing him was becoming my new favourite thing to do.
"A little overdressed for our show, don't you think?" he asked. I literally scoffed. He fucking wished I would dress up like that for his show.
"I'm not coming to your show." I replied.
"What do you mean you're not coming to our show?" he questioned.
"I have other plans." I teased.
"Pfft. Like what?" he asked. I kind of wanted to tell him to mind his own business, but at the same time, I also really wanted to be truthful because, well, it inflated my ego for him to know I was going on a date I suppose.
"A date." I replied. He just kind of laughed.
"A date? With who?" he questioned. What the hell was this, twenty questions? Why the hell did it matter and why did he care? I loved that I got a reaction out of him though... that it seemed to bother him that I was ditching his show for something else.
"Not that it's any of your business... a fucking hot guy I met on tinder." I replied as I did a final check of my red lipstick in the mirror by the closet.
"You're going out in a town you don't know, to meet someone you met on tinder, wearing that? He's probably a catfish, if not a serial killer." he asked. God he was being such a toxic male. I mean, my dress really was sexy, but it's not like Germany was some super conservative, dangerous place. I hated the notion of what he was saying.
"Oh, I'm sorry Daddy... should I wear fucking full-length, denim overalls?" I asked sarcastically. He grinned at me with raised eyebrows.
"You wanna call me Daddy again?" he asked with a wink. I just rolled my eyes and picked up my bag to leave.
"So you're actually going to go out in that?" he asked. I noticed the seriousness in his voice for probably the first time ever. "I really don't want to be woken up at 3am because you've been raped or something." he stated. I wanted to punch him for even suggesting that would be more likely to happen because I wore a sexy dress. It was so funny that he genuinely seemed bothered or something though.
"So you're just worried about your beauty sleep are you, princess?" I asked in amusement. He looked dead at me in a way that he had never looked at me before. He just stared at me. Was he actually worried about me? 
"Fine. I'll wear a jacket over it." I said with an eye roll. I went back to my suitcase and retrieved my leather jacket then headed for the door. "You know, it's kind of cute when you worry about me, Sykes." I said with a smile knowing that he would absolute hate that comment. He just glared at me from under furrowed brows. "Don't fucking wake me up when you get back." he grumbled. I just laughed.

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Oh, she fucking enjoyed that way too much. Seriously though, she's so fucking reckless to just go out on her own to meet someone off the internet in a place she doesn't even know. What if the guys a fucking psycho or he slips something in her drink? 

I can't even believe she would rather go on a stupid date than come to our show anyway.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I slipped my jacket on in the lift then walked the ten minutes to meet my date in the main square of Munich. I'd walked there with Paige so I knew where I was going and to my delight and surprise, my date was waiting right where he said he'd be, right on time at 8:30pm AND he was even better looking in person. We made our introductions and complimented each other as you do, then headed just a short walk away to a cool underground bar. We were there for a few hours talking, flirting and drinking and while I had every intention of fucking him, I was feeling pretty drunk and Oli's stupid words were ringing in my ears. I really didn't know who this guy was so when he invited me back to his place, I wasn't sure. In a total desperate bitch move, I decided I would take him back to the hotel instead, I mean, I had control of the situation there and I knew the guys would have only just come off stage, so nobody was going to walk in on us anyway... not that I would have minded locking Oli out as payback fort he time he did it to me. 

He agreed to coming to the hotel and we couldn't keep our hands off each other as the lift ascended to the 7th floor. He pushed me into the wall in the hallway to kiss me deeply, barely even able to wait until we got to the room and it was amazing. Finally I felt like I was actually going to get laid, by someone I was genuinely attracted to. I was so into him and so ready for someone to actually fuck me properly. We were literally undressing before we were even inside the room, kissing and hands roaming as I pushed the door open and we practically fell inside. I pulled away to pull his shirt over his head and as I went to lock lips with him again, he retracted. What the hell?
"Oh, whoa." he said as he stopped me. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he questioned as he looked past me. What in the actual hell? I looked behind me and realised Oli's shit was everywhere; clothes on the bed, shoes on the floor, random crap on the bedside. "Hey, I'm not a homewrecker." he said as he kind of pushed me away. 
"No! No, he's not my boyfriend!" I quickly stated. He just looked at me. "It's a really long story, but I hate the guy. He's in a band and I came on their tour with them and I just got stuck sharing a room with him." I explained. My date frowned at me like he didn't believe a single word that just came out of my mouth and I started panicking. "I swear, he's nothing. Just ignore his crap, we're not even friends. We're literally enemies!" I squealed. I could tell that he wasn't buying it at all and I felt dread creeping into my chest as he just shook his head.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go." he said. Was he kidding? Since when would a guy even care if I did have a boyfriend, anyway!?

I was fucking annoyed. Pissed off. Furious. Why the fuck did he care about my personal life when we were clearly meeting up to have no-strings-attached sex? If we went to his place he wouldn't know anything personal or any secrets I had, even though I had none! For fucks sake! 

I didn't bother trying to stop him as he picked up the things that I'd already pulled off his body, instead I just sat down on the bed and watched him leave. My heart was racing and I was turned on, but I was also furious. I couldn't believe that even in absence, Oli Sykes had fucking cockblocked me. Ugh, I fucking hated him so much!

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