28. Sweet, Sticky, Sinful.

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Another early morning, another train trip... at least it going somewhere I was really looking forward to visiting; Prague. I actually felt OK when I woke up at 6am, despite not remembering much from the night before... Oli looked pretty shit, but the fact that he was quiet was the indicator that he was definitely hungover. He was never quiet. 

As we sat at breakfast, I realised that everyone must of had a big night... everyone was dressed down in hoodies and tracksuits, everyone looked tired, everyone was quiet... I think I was probably the only person who wasn't acting like we were at a funeral, lol. We boarded the train and I slept the entire 5 hour trip before we arrived in town right around midday. I think everyone slept, so by time we got in a mini bus at the station, people seemed a bit more alive and awake We laughed about the night before and people shared a couple of funny videos, but the energy levels were still pretty low all around. Once we'd checked in, most of the guys said they were going to sleep and just chill out, but I had already organised to go exploring with Paige so we said we'd meet in fifteen minutes. I was going to change into something better before going out because my comfy tracksuit pants were not going to be appropriate for my touristy photos for Instagram, lol. We all disappeared into our rooms and I found a pair of jeans to change into after dumping my suitcase on the floor.

"I need you to help me with something later. Since you're in fashion and whatever." Oli said as I emerged from the bathroom, ready to leave the room. Was he serious? Me? Help him? One, I was on holidays – I didn't want to do any kind of work, Two – I wasn't about to do anything when he was demanding it, and Three – why in the hell did he think I would ever want to help him anyway?!
"Me? Help you? Funny, Sykes. Funny." I replied with a scoff.
"I'm being serious. I need help with some work stuff. Just fucking help me, won't you?" he whined. Seriously?
"You're not even fucking asking me nicely!" I snapped. "Didn't your Mother ever teach you to say Please?" I questioned. He just rolled his eyes at me.
"Do you really think I want to have to ask you for help? Trust me, I don't, but you're obviously the only person I can ask since it's about clothing. Nobody else here has any fucking clue about fashion." he stated. He was right about that, but still.
"Ask me nicely and I'll consider it." I said with a smug grin.
"Ugh." he groaned. "Pleeeeeeeeeease Sunshine." he said dramatically and unconvincingly.
"You didn't even mean that..." I stated. He groaned.
"OK, will you please help me later? Seriously." he asked, now sounding like he meant it.
"Fine. I'll help you." I said with an eye roll.
"Great. Meet me in the business centre at 3." he said. I just rolled my eyes. Here he was barking orders at me like I was a fucking employee.
"Oh, sure your majesty." I said as I left the room. God he was so painful.

Paige and I grabbed coffee from the lobby then headed out, wandering around town and going to some of the famous Prague landmarks. It was a beautiful city with so much to see, so I was honestly annoyed that I had to go back to the hotel at 3pm to fucking help asshole Sykes when I wanted to keep exploring. I didn't want to go back on my word though, even if he didn't deserve my time. We were staying in Prague for two nights anyway, so I still had tomorrow to see more. Back at the hotel, I headed straight to the hotel business centre and got myself a coffee from the coffee machine, then I sat down right as the clock hit 3pm. I'd timed it perfectly. Ten past three rolled around, then quarter past, then twenty past... seriously?! I was so annoyed. If he wasn't there by 3:30pm, I was leaving. How dare he fucking stand me up and cut my exploration time short after practically begging me to bloody help him?!

He turned up at 3:25 and just sat down like his lateness was no big deal at all. God he was such an asshole. "You're fucking late." I said angrily. How dare he just keep me waiting around? I could have been out seeing the sights of Prague!
"I'm here now." he replied with a stupid smirk like he was amused that I was angry.
"And? Where the hell were you?! I've been here since 3." I asked in annoyance. It's not like he had anywhere to be all day.
"Just chill out. It's not even 3:30." he said with an eye roll. How dare he.
"You know what? Fuck this. I'm out of here. You might be used to treating women like they're unimportant and not worthy of your Godly presence, but I won't have it. You can work your shit out yourself." I said.

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