21. I Need A Very Cold Shower.

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We were moving on to Barcelona the next day, taking a short flight that morning back into Spain and I was up early at 7am to make sure I was ready for the 8am departure. I was kind of shocked that Oli wasn't in the room when I woke up, but also not overly surprised that he hadn't come home. God only knew what he'd gotten up to. I didn't want to know. It was so nice having the room to myself and waking up without seeing him straight away though!

Our flight was at 9:45am and we touched down in Barcelona just after midday. The band were going straight to the venue to soundcheck, but I decided to go to the hotel and Paige decided to come with me. I was again surprised that she was picking me over Matt, but I guess she wanted to try and see some of the city in the small window of free time we had there; a grand total of about six hours.

Paige and I dropped off our bags and went venturing into the city, stopping in at the tourism office and signing up for a walking tour that was beginning in an hour. We looked around the shops and grabbed some snacks to waste time then joined our guide as he showed us around the city and took us to cool things to see, like Sagrada Familia and Gaudi's impressive and unique architecture. Barcelona was a really cool city with an artsy kind of vibe that I really liked. We walked and travelled by tram around the city for over three hours and loved every minute, but we headed straight back to the hotel once we were done to enjoy a couple of drinks at the rooftop bar. The view was pretty spectacular and I needed to relax after being on the go all day.

With cocktails in hand, I decided to talk to Paige about my lack of success with men, to vent, to let out all of my frustrations because honestly, it was really starting to bother me. My confidence was feeling flat after not really having guys hit on me and then being rejected the night before.  "You know, I haven't had sex once since we got here." I stated; a bold and no-nonsense way to initiate the conversation with my friend. "Guys aren't even hitting on me like they do at home. Like is it me? Or are Europeans not into piercings and tattoos or something? I don't know what the fuck is going on and it's really starting to make me feel shitty." I whinged. She just sipped her drink.
"Well, maybe it's... your mood?" she suggested, almost seeing hesitant.
"My mood? What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, already feeling slightly offended.
"Well, I mean, I know you're always a bit stand-offish, but you haven't really been in a very good mood since we got here. Maybe guys aren't approaching because you always seem kind of... annoyed." she explained, seeming even more hesitant to be so honest with me. 
"Annoyed?! I'm not annoyed!" I exclaimed.
"You're annoyed right now." she replied. My God.
"Well what do you expect? You just accused me of being moody!" I quipped.
"I just mean that you haven't seemed very happy when we've been out, that's all." she stated.
"Well I'm fucking stuck with someone I hate all the time, who pisses me off on purpose and constantly tries to get under my skin! That's why I'm not happy!" I squealed.
"I get it, but maybe you're just obsessing over it. Let his bullshit go over your head, or start pissing him off as well if that's what you need to make yourself feel better." she said with a shrug. I just sat there staring at her, for the first time lately, actually completely speechless. "I'm just saying that you might be giving off an angry vibe and I'm sure that would be why guys are avoiding you. Stop letting Oli affect you so much." she added. I hated that she was right. I hated that what she said made sense. I really hated that I had been letting him get to me so much that he was ruining my chances of hooking up!
"I fucking hate it when you're right." I said with a frown. She just chuckled. "OK, I'm going to completely block him out tonight and get my mojo back." I stated.
"Cheers to that." she said as she hit her glass into mine. 

When Matt messaged Paige to say he was heading back to the hotel, I went down to my room and showered, then slipped into the laciest, raciest lingerie I'd brought with me. I was going to wear it out that night for confidence and also in the hopes of someone taking me out of it, but I also had another use for it. I didn't bother getting dressed past lingerie just yet because I decided to give Oli a taste of his own medicine first. If he wanted to fuck with me, I was going to do it right back, just like my sister and now also Paige had suggested. 

I heard him arrive, so I casually opened the bathroom door and confidently wandered out into the room in my barely-there underwear as if he wasn't even there.
"Oh. You're back." I stated. Oli's expression said it all. I watched as his wide eyes scanned my body from head to toe, clearly taking in all of my tattoos; the ones that were hidden beneath clothing that he hadn't seen before. His gaze was glued to me, roaming up and down, finally settling on the impressive cleavage my bra had created and the sternum tattoo that he obviously didn't know I had. It was clear that he couldn't look away and I fucking loved that he was uncomfortable. "Don't you know it's rude to stare, Sykes?" I asked before disappearing with my dress back into the bathroom. I'd got him good.

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When I emerged from the bathroom this time I was fully dressed, though I'd hitched the dress I was wearing up high to a point where it was barely long enough to cover my arse. I deliberately bent over at my suitcase knowing full well that Oli could see everything... Teasing him was so much fun and I finally felt like I was getting back at him. I wish I'd done it sooner.
"I know what you're doing." he said from the other side of the room.
"I'm looking for a bracelet." I said with an innocent smile as I turned and looked at him. He walked over closer to me and stared at me with his intimidating gaze and a smirk on his lips. "Didn't your parents ever teach you that it's wrong to tease?" he snickered. Oh, two could play at that game! I stepped even closer to him, but I didn't touch him - I just stared at his lips as I spoke. "They did, but maybe I need to be taught a few more lessons..." I said quietly. I heard him swallow as I lingered there for a second before I let out a chuckle and walked back to my suitcase. He was clearly in shock because he didn't speak and I loved that I'd done that to him. If he wanted to play games with me, he had better be ready because I wasn't just going to take his shit anymore. I was ready to dish it out just as much, possibly more than he ever could.
"Well, see you later." I said as I left.

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Fuck me. I need a very cold shower.

This girl is going to be the death of me...

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I met Paige back at the bar while Oli was in the room - probably jerking off because I'd got him all excited or some bullshit. Lol, Ok, so maybe not, I really don't think he was that affected, but still. I felt incredibly confident and sexy after what I'd just done and Matt even wolf-whistled me when I arrived. I didn't know if Paige had told him to compliment me and boost my ego, but I can't deny that I liked it. I loved feeling everyone's eyes on me, feeling desired. I'd noticed the gaze of pretty much every person in that bar land on me as I passed and it inflated my ego like crazy. I loved it. I felt like myself again.

We headed to the venue just before 7pm, Paige and I watched the show from the sound and lighting stage and we headed off to a club once it was over. By 11pm I was dancing and drinking and I was revelling in attention from lots of different guys. Paige's tough love had really helped me realise the error of my ways and finally feeling as though I'd stood up to Oli had cheered me up too. It's crazy how much the vibe you put off affects your success rate with the opposite sex! 

I danced and made out with a couple of guys, even though I had no intention of agreeing to the threesome they kept suggesting we have. I mean, part of me was turned on by it, but they weren't that amazing that I wanted to up my body count by two. I kissed another guy later in the night and I flirted my ass off with at least another two or three during solo trips to the bar. I was drowning in attention from boys and even though I had multiple options, I decided to go home alone. I had been whinging about being horny and wanting to get laid, but nobody really did it for me. Maybe I was just being picky, but all of the attention made me feel confident enough anyway - I didn't need to have sex with someone I wasn't really into just to prove I could. Not this time, anyway. Not until I was truly desperate or I found someone I really wanted to add to my list of conquests.

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