50. The Unplanned Departure.

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I was on the phone with my mum for hours, listening to the full story of everything that had  happened, just wishing time would go faster so I could get home. The earliest flight I could book without completely draining my bank account wasn't until 9:15pm, so I wasn't leaving the hotel until nearly 7. That meant I had the whole day in Amsterdam, but I wasn't in the mood for sightseeing or concerts, so I spent it in the hotel room. The guys went off to play their festival show in the afternoon and I made Paige go with them. I loved her for wanting to stay with me, but I always went into myself when I was hurting and I really needed to be alone. I took a shower and packed my suitcase while Oli was out, but everyone arrived back at 5:30pm, much before I was due to leave. Paige, Matt and Oli were off to their Tomorrowland launch party in a couple of hours, so I went and sat in the lobby to give Oli space to get ready... well, to find space for myself more than anything to be completely honest. I really didn't want to be around anyone.

Oli and Matt came down to the lobby at 6:30pm and Paige arrived not long after, already dressed for the party they were heading to shortly after I'd gone. They all looked so glamorous and put together, while I was dressed down in track pants and a hoodie. My hair was in a messy bun, I was make-up free and my eyes were red and puffy... it wasn't how I ever liked to present myself to the world, but my night wasn't exactly going to be anything like theirs. 

The guys approached cautiously and I hoped I could hold myself together in front of them, so I made small talk about the festival they'd played and the rest of the tour dates that were still ahead of them... I didn't really care, nor did I really absorb anything they said, I just wanted to avoid talking about my current problems. They were clearly a bit uncomfortable around me, probably scared of saying something that would set me off or make me emotional again, but they tried to keep the conversation going. Paige on the other hand just came and sat with me quietly once she had arrived, not really saying much at all, just hugging me as silent tears ran down my cheeks every time I thought about my sister.

When my car arrived early, the driver came over to introduce himself, then wheeled my suitcase out the door. Matt got up and hugged me first, telling me to take care of myself and to send love to my family, while I told him to take care of Paige. I knew she would hate not having me there with her, even though she would be absolutely fine. Matt had never given me any reason to think she wouldn't be safe with him, and knowing they were actually in love with each other... it wasn't like he was just going to ditch her or anything like that. I actually liked Matt a lot, despite him stealing my best friend's full attention away from me. He let me go after a big hug and Oli came to me next, looking kind of cautious and awkward. He didn't even say anything as he hugged me and I hugged him back - willingly. I honestly don't think he knew what to say.
"Thanks for not being an asshole to me this morning." I said quietly into his shoulder.
"I can be nice sometimes." he replied as he squeezed me tightly, not letting go for a good ten seconds. It was funny saying goodbye to him, because I truly didn't think I would care, I thought I would happy to see the back of him, but it felt strange knowing how incredibly quiet my days were going to be without him in them. I should have been relieved I suppose. I let him go and moved on to Paige and she cried before I even said anything.
"Stop being emotional or you'll set me off again." I stated as I hugged her and tears welled in my eyes. 
"I can't." she said into my shoulder as she cried.
"Well then at least stop so that you don't ruin your makeup. You have a party to go to!" I stated as tears ran down my face. She forced a giggle, but I knew she was upset.
"It's not going to be the same without you." she said as she squeezed me tightly.
"I know, but you have Matt. You'll be home in 5 days anyway so I'll see you soon." I replied knowing the end of the tour was only a few days away, well, Paige and I's part of it anyway. The guys still had another couple of weeks and multiple countries to visit before heading back home to England.

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