34. Silent Treatment.

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Oli was out the front smoking when we got back to the club and I grinned at him as we went to pass. "I need to talk to you." he stated, looking dead at me.
"Well I don't want to listen." I chuckled.
"For fucks sakes, Summer. You're going to fucking stay here and listen to me." he said. I don't know who he thought he was, barking orders at me... Paige said she'd see me inside and left me there so I crossed my arms and just looked at him.
"Go on then, talk." I stated.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing inviting that girl here?" he questioned.
"Umm, pretty sure I'm allowed to invite people to clubs." I replied sarcastically.
"Not her. She's a fucking stalker!" he snapped.
"Uh, you're the one who always says you can't help it if women fall at your feet..." I said sarcastically. "And it serves you right for slut-shaming me yesterday." I stated.
He let out a heavy breath like he was so over me, lol.
"Just don't do it again, Summer. I mean it. Don't get involved in my business." he said angrily.
"Ooohh, I'm so scared." I said with an eye roll. He inhaled deeply like he was actually furious, and I just left. I didn't need to deal with him.

I went back inside but everyone was kind of wrapping things up and starting to get up to leave. It seemed way too soon, but the mood seemed shit so I didn't mind at all, though I really didn't want to have to be stuck in a hotel room with Oli when he was in such a shitty mood. Matt had ordered a maxi taxi since it was too far of a walk back to the hotel, and as we waited out the front, I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Oli looked so fucking annoyed and it was just funny to me. I loved that I'd really managed to annoy him. He fucking deserved it after stringing me out in front of his friends a day earlier.
"What's so funny?" Paige asked.
"Look at how pissed off he is." I chuckled.
"Are you fucking serious right now?" Oli suddenly asked. My God he was in SUCH a mood. I didn't even think he'd hear me.
"Jesus, lighten up." I said.
"You're such a fucking bitch." he stated with a grumpy head shake.
"And you're a fucking asshole!" I replied. We were just staring at each other, trying to intimidate each other or something... but I wasn't going to back down.
"Well if you two are done bickering like a married couple, our ride is here." Matt suddenly said.

Oli didn't speak a single word to me in the taxi or once we were back at the hotel, not that I minded, I just thought his bad mood was funny. He was gone when I woke up the next morning too, along with his suitcase, so I guess he'd gone down to breakfast early to avoid me again, lol. He was acting so childish. Maybe I should piss him off more often so I got the room to myself in the morning! It was so nice to shower and pack without having to worry about him being in the way or making stupid comments.

We boarded the bus in front of the hotel at 9am and I settled in for the two and a half hour drive to Budapest. From the research I'd done, it looked like a cool city with lots of things to see, so I was eager to arrive and get out and about. Getting to see all of these places was the only reason I agreed to come on the tour in the first place!

We arrived before midday and checked in, and I headed out with Paige and Matt, still without a single word exchanged with my room-mate. The silence was enjoyable but I wondered how long he was going to give me the silent treatment... it was actually pretty funny. I must have really pissed him off. 

It was such a warm, sunny day, so we visited the fortress and the castle on the 'Buda' side of the city before Matt had to leave us to head to soundcheck at 2pm. Paige and I kept exploring though; visiting a weird art gallery and exploring a huge market... of course we walked down to admire the Parliament building too since it was easily the most recognisable landmark of the city. We chatted, window shopped and snacked until it was time to head back to the hotel to get ready for the show. I wasn't really bothered about going, but the shows were my meal ticket as well as my ticket to free drinks and VIP access to whatever club we ended up at later, so I went along with it as usual. 

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