6. Cigarettes & Poster Boys for Trouble.

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I almost bit the head off the guy who slid up next to me at the bar and offered to buy me a drink just a few minutes after my exchange with Oli... but I quickly reigned myself in because he was hot. I declined the drink but asked if he wanted to dance, and he said yes. Paige was with Matt and I wanted to have some fun too, so why not? I danced all over him, we got handsy while we made out on the dance floor and we exchanged numbers, but he went back to the bar and left me alone under the disco lights after about half an hour of getting hot and heavy. I hated being awkwardly alone in the sea of people and after 5 minutes, I started to wonder where my new friend gone so I headed up to the bar. As I arrived, I saw him exiting the venue with his friends and I was instantly annoyed. What the fuck?! He didn't even tell me! He completely ditched me! It brought up feelings of rejection within me that made me feel like shit, and I absolutely hated it. I didn't exactly get rejected very much and I avoided it because of the buried feelings I held onto from the past. I hated that feeling of not being good enough and to make matters worse, as I stood there alone, I noticed Oli smirking at me from down the bar like he knew exactly what had just happened. Mother fucker! I absolutely fucking hated the guy! I stuck my middle finger up at him and stormed off, imagining how good it would feel to punch him in his smug face.

I went outside onto the street for some air and decided to just head home. I felt deflated, rejected, pissed off and it was 2am anyway. I'd had enough of Paige ignoring me, Oli irritating me and guys in general being assholes so I would rather just leave than spend another minute at that club. I bummed a cigarette from someone on the street to try and help myself chill out a bit before I would flag down a taxi to take me home, and just like a bad smell that wouldn't go away, Oli walked out the front door with a cigarette between his lips. Seriously?! Why did he have to keep fucking appearing like that?! I rolled my eyes to myself and started sucking the smoke down harder; wanting my cigarette to be gone quickly so I could get away from him.

"Going home alone because your plaything ditched you?" he asked from behind me in a stupid tone, pretending to be shocked as he lit up. I knew he'd called the guy my plaything because it's what I'd called the girl that ditched him earlier in the night. He was such a fucking smart arse. He genuinely made my blood boil and I'd had enough of his bullshit for one night. 
"I wasn't taking him home. Some of us don't need to fuck a different person every night to feel validated, you asshole." I snapped.
"Geez, sounds like you need to get laid to release some of your anger." he stated. That mother fucker. "Wow, such incredible insight from the big, important rock star..." I taunted. I couldn't stand him at the best of times, but I was so mad, I needed him to leave me alone or I would legitimately punch him in the face.
"You know, you don't have to be so stand-offish toward me, Sunshine, I'm just trying to make conversation." he said with a smile, being completely patronising.
"For the hundredth time, it's Summer. And I'm not being stand-offish, you're just a fucking pain in my arse." I replied, folding my arms across my chest as if to protect myself. He snickered.
"Well, you know what they say; there's a fine line between pain and pleasure. I wouldn't say no to being in your arse either." he laughed. UGH! HE WAS SO VILE! 

I tried to come back with something, anything, but I was drawing a blank. Fury had incapacitated my usual quick-wit. Fuck! "Well Sunshine," he said before I'd managed to think of anything to say. "Let me know if you ever want me to help you release some of that anger." he laughed as he blew smoke from his lips into my face then started walking off down the street. GRRRRRR... I wanted to pick something up and throw it at him. I put my cigarette butt out in an ashtray, then flagged down a taxi. I was so fucking mad that Oli always got under my skin so much – and that he always got the last fucking word.

I was frustrated and horny from all the heavy petting I'd gotten into at the club with that guy who ditched me, so on the way home I messaged one of my fuck buddies. He was home and invited me over, so I got the taxi to take me there instead. I was in the most worked up, annoyed, frustrated mood and the sex definitely went the same way - rough, aggressive, maybe even borderline violent. We fucked so hard that we broke a lamp and I'm pretty sure I left scratch marks all over his back. Oops. I just needed to get all of my aggression out. I left once we were done and went home to sleep in my own bed, with no sign of Paige to be seen anywhere. I guess she went back to Matt's again. Nice of her to let me know...

Paige didn't come home until Sunday afternoon and when she did roll in, she asked me where I had gone the night before. Part of me wanted to tell her that she would have noticed if she wasn't so consumed with her new crush, but I decided to play nice. Kind of. "Just got ditched by the guy I was gonna bring home, then harassed by Oli, so nothing new." I replied. She laughed like she thought I was kidding then went to have a shower without any other conversation or anything. Yep, totally not joking. She had become so distant and absent in our friendship and it pissed me off. Why do girls do that? Find a guy then just totally forget about their friends.

Paige and Matt started hanging out more, so I started going out with other friends or people from work... neither Paige or I had been in a serious relationship for ages, so part of me hated that she was always with him; leaving me on my own, but I had tinder and a couple of guys in my contacts that I could 'hang out' with when I got lonely; like the guy I broke a lamp with. They were sexy as hell but the type that would never commit, the type you just know would cheat if they even tried to focus on one woman. They would happily keep you in their contacts as a fuck buddy though, and that was all I wanted from them so it worked out well. 

All of my friends would tell you that I have a specific type... and I do. I gravitated toward boys with piercings and tattoos, boys that were always bad news. 'Bad boys' if you will. I couldn't help it, I was always attracted to trouble. My ex was the poster boy for that type of guy, and while I knew better than to ever get attached to someone like him, I did. I was stupid enough to fall in love with him, even though he was only ever meant to be a fling. He seemed like an exception to the rule though, the one 'bad boy' who actually had the capacity for more than just sex, who actually had feelings that he wasn't afraid of showing. He was the only person I'd ever loved and he made me want things I never thought I would. We talked about the future and I thought he was my soulmate, he told me the same thing too and I'd never felt happiness like that before, I really hadn't. We were together, inseparable and completely enamoured with each other for two incredible years, until I found out he'd cheated on me with my then best friend. Yeah, some fucking best friend too, right? 

So now my heart is dead, I trust nobody and all men are assholes - especially ones that remind me of my ex. Yep, I'm jaded as fuck because of him, but I don't think I was made for marriage, kids and all that lovey-dovey shit anyway. Paige could be the one who did all that frilly crap, I'd just keep my relationships casual.

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