55. Go Where The Journey Takes You

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After Mysteryland festival, we all flew back to London and things became kind of different. Oli and Matt were heading up North for a couple of weeks to see their families, while Paige and I were heading straight back to work. Oli and I messaged a little bit while he was away, but it was still just pretty friendly and casual. Paige loved that Oli and I had gotten closer during the trip, that we were no longer trying to kill each other, that we were, as she would say 'being cute' together. Ugh, it was so gross. Things had changed between us, yes, and maybe I had thought about what would happen when Oli came back to London more than once, but I wasn't about to be clingy or needy. I wasn't ever going to push or try to make anything happen and I think Oli was kind of the same way. I didn't really know what I wanted anyway and I felt like he didn't either, all I knew was that I liked his attention, I liked being around him, and I liked being in his pants.

Almost two weeks after we'd returned from Amsterdam, the guys threw a small party at their apartment, so of course Paige went, and naturally I did too. Paige had already seen Matt that day; basically the moment they arrived back in town, but it was the first time I was going to see Oli in a while so I admittedly made a bit more of an effort to look good. When we arrived it was much less crowded than the first party I'd been to at their place, and this time there was no half-naked bimbo sitting on Oli's lap, just him talking to some people; his lips curling into a small smile when he saw me in the doorway. I hated that I was happy to see him, I hated that he looked hotter than I think I'd ever noticed, and I hated even more that my cheeks were hot and I was struggling not to fucking smile back. Jesus Christ.
"Oh my God. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen." Paige gushed, speaking quietly as she squeezed my hand. God, I did not want to be referred to as 'cute'. Ugh! Oli started making his way over so Paige left me to go and find Matt and I tried to ignore the butterflies that felt more like ravenous beasts trying to rip out of my stomach as he approached.
"Hey." he said kind of awkwardly. "You look amazing." he added before I could even say hello. 
"Thanks. You could have tried harder." I replied. He just laughed. He got me a drink and I asked how his trip back home had been... it felt a bit awkward to talk about the non-famous side of his life at first but we sat and got comfortable and we ended up staying together for most of the night.

I went out on the balcony at midnight as people started leaving, just to look at the city lights that were blurred because of a typical London fog. I was in the only moment of quiet solitude I'd found all night when Oli came up behind me and gripped the balcony rail at either side of my waist so I couldn't leave. I was surprised but I can't lie, it was kind of hot.
"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're obsessed with me." I stated as I turned around to face him. He chuckled; that perfect, deadly smile right in front of my face as he looked down at me.
"And if I am?" he asked with a grin.
"Well, I guess I wouldn't blame you." I replied, being sassy as always. He laughed, then leaned in and kissed my lips and I didn't push him away. He kissed me gently yet passionately, like we had the whole night ahead of us and the whole of London to ourselves.

He took my hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it, not breaking eye contact once, then led me inside to his bedroom and I didn't try to resist. I spent the night in his bed, I spent the next day with him at the apartment... I spent the whole fucking weekend with him and well, I can't deny that it was nice. The amount of times we had sex was nice too; at least twice a day, with the hours between filled with flirting and teasing. The more time I spent with him, the more we learned about each other and the more my walls started to come down. The armour I'd built around myself started to fall off and I felt more and more comfortable, but he had changed a lot since we'd first met too. He seemed like an entirely different person, but maybe he'd always been like that? Maybe I'd always just convinced myself he was awful when he actually wasn't? That's what everyone else apparently seemed to think. Anyway, we still weren't labelling it, and we were never going to be like Paige and Matt who couldn't be out of contact for more than five minutes, but Oli started messaged me every day after work to ask how my day had been, and  constantly sending stupid memes or random messages during the day to tell me how hot I was. I  thought I would hate it and feel smothered, but I actually didn't. I guess it was nice to know that he was thinking about me.

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