26. Netflix and No Chill.

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I woke up after nowhere near enough hours of sleep and we boarded another bus for another trip to the next city; Nuremburg. It wasn't far, so I just sat next to the window, avoided Oli and did shit on my phone. Paige was cuddled up with Matt as usual and everyone else was just scattered around. Oli appeared at my seat quite late in the trip, holding out a bag of crisps as though he were offering to share them with me for some unknown reason. Maybe it was because I hadn't muttered a single word to him after I'd left the bar, or maybe it was because of the fucking donut he'd stolen, but this was hardly a truce. In fact it felt like a trap because, let's be honest, Oli was never nice to me. I was peckish though, so I reached in a grabbed a handful, keeping my eyes on him as I did in case he tried to do something to me.

"Did I piss you off last night by teasing you about your date?" he asked. I swear, he was such a fucking shit-stirrer. I wasn't about to get worked up over it again though.
"You piss me off just by existing, but yeah, you did actually." I replied honestly. Oli flopped into the seat beside me and I looked over at him with a frown. Pretty sure I didn't fucking invite him to sit down!
"Dates are shit anyway." he chuckled as he reached into his snack bag and threw a salty treat into his mouth. Why the hell was he sitting there and why was he actually speaking like a normal person? He'd managed two whole sentences without a single insult. Was he feeling OK?
"Well of course you would say that." I replied.
"What is that supposed to mean?" he questioned as he munched away.
"That you're an asshole who clearly uses fame to get women into bed. You don't give a shit about them. You wouldn't even know what a date was." I stated.
"Yeah, pretty much." he replied with a shrug.
"So let me get this straight, you've never taken any girl you met on tour on a date?" I asked.
"Correct. I don't do dates." he replied.
"You're disgusting." I said.
"What? It's not like any of them actually ask me to take them on a date before they start trying to get in my pants! If they did, I would say no and they could make their decision on if we kept going from there, but they don't. I can't help it if my reputation precedes me." he replied.
"You're actually an asshole, you know that?" I asked.
"Yep, I know." he replied with a laugh as he munched on another treat. I sat there thinking about what he'd just said for a second... thinking about these girls that just go to his room without hesitation and literally just volunteer their bodies to him for pleasure. I suppose it was exactly what I did with Matt from Avenged Sevenfold...
"I bet you don't even try and make it worthwhile for them either." I said, thinking back to my own experience with Matt. He just chuckled.
"Why would I? I won't see them again." he replied with a shrug. I rolled my eyes and went back to looking at my phone and he laughed as he went back to his own seat. He was the worst.

The show that night was another festival, so the band didn't need to leave the hotel until around 6pm. It meant we had at least five hours to waste and while I wanted to go and explore the city, it was absolutely pouring with rain. If I had of been in a city I'd always wanted to go or there was something I really wanted to see I may have found an umbrella and braved it, but it just wasn't worth it given I knew nothing about the place. The sky was absolutely blanketed in storm clouds and the guys weren't even sure if the festival would go ahead, but either way, we were pretty much trapped in the hotel for a few hours at least.
"Well, I'm gonna watch Netflix." Oli stated as he kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the bed the minute we'd gotten to the room. I didn't want to stay there with him, confined in such a small space. Sleeping was one thing since it required zero interaction, but being awake and conscious? Groan. I considered my options; most of which were absolutely not going to work in the bad weather... rooftop bar, swimming pool... Nope. Maybe I could go to the gym or hang out with Paige, but let's be honest, she would be probably be enjoying the down time with Matt. I guess I was going to have to stay in the room and tolerate Oli. At least he hadn't pissed me off too much that day. Yet. 

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