4. The Life of the Rich and Famous.

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I wandered around the party for a while and downed a fifth drink before trying to go and say 'Hi' to Calvin Harris. I was nervous, but I exuded confidence on the outside. Apparently that meant nothing though, because his people kept me from getting anywhere near him despite my sweet talking and ability to pretend I was someone important. Oh well, he was way too well-kept and pretty for me anyway. I still would have fucked him though, lol.

I headed back to the bar for another drink after my rejection, not even realising Oli was there and I immediately groaned when the guy between us moved and I saw him notice me. He was going to be a dickhead again, no doubt. 
"I know what you're doing." he stated. What in the hell was he even talking about?
"Oh yeah? And what is that?" I questioned sarcastically. He just laughed and shook his head.
"You can forget about your little fantasies about double dates or whatever, because it's not going to happen." he stated. Whoa, what the actual fuck?
"Excuse me?" I asked in shock.
"I know you think because my best friend is into your best friend that we're going to end up together too, that you will make me fall for you as well, like it's "fate" or some shit... like life is some kind of bullshit fairy tale." he laughed. What in the actual hell? I was dumbfounded. I don't know where he was getting the idea that I liked him from, but it was certainly not the right one.
"Uh, firstly, I am not into you. I will never be into you. Secondly, fairy tales aren't fucking real! And thirdly, I have absolutely ZERO desire to ever do anything with you, let alone be stuck with you on a date. I'd sooner dowse myself in acid." I stated bluntly. I couldn't believe the audacity of this guy. Did he really think every girl in the world wanted him?! That I wanted anything to do with him? I knew he was a cocky bastard, but this was ridiculous.
"You're a total fucking narcissist." I stated. He just looked at me but I wasn't going to spend another second in his presence now that my drink had arrived. He was absolutely intolerable. "By the way... Kanye called; he wants his ego back." I said with so much sass as I left.

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She's either really fucking committed to her role and playing the long game, or she actually really does not like me, lol. 

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I walked to the other side of the room, as far away from that idiot as I could and exhaled. He was absolutely insufferable. I ended up having a funny moment when a woman locked eyes with me as we both threw food into our mouths at the same time, almost as if we were both hoping nobody would see us. She laughed and quietly made a joke; asking where the rest of the food was, and I ended up chatting with her and a group of people she was with for like an hour. I'd finally found a clique I fitted into. I checked up on Paige; dancing and getting close with Matt, and I unfortunately witnessed Oli hitting on at least half a dozen different women – he seriously repulsed me so much. I chatted to a couple of hot guys from some band I forget the name of, and I could have gone home with a rich, music mogul who took a clear interest in me but I wasn't anywhere near that desperate. No amount of money, flashy cars or penthouse apartments could make me sell my body, even if the idea of a sugar-daddy lifestyle was tempting.

The party was fun, but with Paige's attention affixed firmly on her rock star squeeze, it just wasn't the same. The only time we were even really together was when we went to the bathrooms right before leaving - and even then she did nothing but talk about Matt and tell me how much she liked him... that she was going to go back to his place.
"Cool." I said, faking interest.

As we exited the party, a lady handed me a huge, expensive looking black bag with thick ribbon handles, so I shrugged and took it as Paige did the same. Matt was waiting for her outside as promised so I gave her a hug and told her to enjoy the rest of her night. She was going home with a hot guy from a band while I was going home without a celebrity, without anyone - not even a sleazy old rich dude. "Can we fucking hurry it up!?" Oli yelled from the back of the car; already waiting with his victim for the night; some scantily-clad girl that was all over him. Ugh, he was so gross and predictable. "Alright, well, the tube's calling me. See you tomorrow." I said to Paige as I took her gift bag for her. Matt told me the cars waiting out front were part of the party, so to jump in one to take me home, so I did – with both Paige and I's gift bags in tow. I wondered what my driver would think about taking me to an average kind of building out of the city centre rather than some expensive hotel or lavish penthouse, but he didn't say a word as we travelled to Brixton. I thanked him and told him to have a good night as I exited, then climbed the stairs to my apartment.

Of course the first thing I did when I got inside was pull everything from my gift bag, well, after taking off my shoes and changing into pyjamas. I may not have scored a man for the night, but I did score hotel and spa vouchers, beauty products, candles, champagne, chocolates, Sony headphones - even a cashmere robe! I just laughed as I sat there with freebies sprawled out all over the couch around me. God, this was the life of the rich and famous! Despite all the gifts, I was a little disappointed with how my night turned out. I mean, I should have been rolling around naked in luxurious Egyptian cotton sheets with Calvin Harris in some ritzy hotel, instead I was on my couch in my pyjamas trawling through a bag of freebies like a total peasant. Oh well. It was his loss anyway. Lol.

Paige called me the following morning at 10am or so, not long after I had rolled out of bed myself. I didn't get to sleep until 3am and I knew she would have been up doing explicit things until long after that, so the late start to the day felt warranted for both of us. I was already up when she called though; sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in hand, reading a trashy magazine that she'd brought home a couple of days ago. She told me that she would be home after lunch and seemed excited to tell me about her night with a rock star. I was just excited to show her all of the great free stuff we got in our gift bags to be completely honest!

I fell back on the couch and lulled into what would be a wasted, chilled out Saturday of accomplishing zero. I planned on doing nothing at all other than maybe some online shopping, watching Netflix, calling my sister... maybe I'd order some food and put on a face mask... maybe I'd even go out somewhere local for a few drinks later? I also thought about messaging one of the guys I sometimes called on when I was feeling desperate for physical  intimacy... fuck buddies if you will. I didn't like them on a romantic level, but they were good if I felt lonely or horny... I guess I'd just see where the day took me. I searched the internet for photos from last night's after party, but didn't find any of Paige and I. I did find one of Matt and Oli arriving and a few of Oli inside, looking like his usual, stupid self; sticking his tongue out and making stupid fucking hand gestures with different people, mostly pretty women. I just rolled my eyes. He was such a douchebag.

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