38. Under Your Skin Like A Nightmare.

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We went out to a club, but I wasn't in the best of moods. I felt bad since Summer seemed so rattled by the stupid prank I'd pulled on her. I really didn't understand why she was SO worried about it though when nobody would even remember it anymore. She didn't come to our show though, she wouldn't come out to the club, hell, she wouldn't even look at me when I tried to apologise to her.

Summer having anger toward me wasn't anything new, but it was a different kind of anger this time. She didn't really seem angry, like she wasn't even biting back... maybe she was actually... hurt? Ugghhhh, I fucking hated feelings and the way women get so fucking emotional over stupid, pointless shit.

I left the club alone and went back to the hotel early and despite my efforts to talk to her, she ignored me completely. I told her I'd brought food back with me since she'd missed out on dinner, but she didn't want it, so I just gave up on trying to be nice. I wasn't surprised she didn't want to eat seeing as she'd been watching that fucking horrific serial killer doco again; the one she'd made me watch a week or so ago. She was probably getting inspiration for how to murder me... fantasising about getting rid of me for good.

I went for a long shower, then just laid on the bed with my phone afterwards and Summer was already long asleep – she hadn't moved since I'd got back, which was at least an hour ago. I had a look at the tour schedule to see what was coming up and I dealt with some stuff at home, then I was scrolling Instagram; wasting time as usual since my roommate wasn't awake, not that she was speaking to me anyway. 

Summer was one of the most complicated girls I think I'd ever met, with a shell around her that was harder to crack than fucking reinforced steel. I gave her shit, sure, but she gave it back just as much... I had always just been doing it to annoy her and get a rise out of her, but I was past a point of cooling it down and reigning in my teasing now. She genuinely hated me and I don't think there was anything I could do to change her mind anymore.

Almost as if she heard me thinking, she made a weird noise from beside me in the bed so I looked over at her curiously. Then she did it again. The sound was almost like a whimper, so I naturally looked a little harder to see what was happening and she was frowning in her sleep. I tried not to grin, but how typical it was of Summer to be pissed off and grumpy even in her dreams, lol. I took a photo so I could tease her about her grumpiness in the morning, but as I did she mumbled something. Her frown grew bigger at the same time and this time she twitched too. What the hell? It was so funny to watch. Maybe she was having a nightmare? It was probably about me, lol. 

As I just watched her in amusement, thinking of how much shit I was going to give her once she'd gotten over the prank thing, she suddenly rolled right over and grabbed me; her arm clinging to me, her face pressing into me and she whimpered again; loudly. It took me by complete surprise and I didn't know what the fuck to do. I went to push her off me, but it almost seemed as if she were scared – like she was trying to hide. She must have actually been having a nightmare because she kept twitching and making noises, almost as if she were crying, so for some dumb fucking reason, I put my arm around her. 

I don't know why I did it. I don't know if I was trying to comfort her? I could have easily just woken her up or shoved her away, but something about her seeming frightened was actually endearing in a fucked up way, like she was actually human. For the first time since I'd met her she actually seemed to have emotions other than angry and hateful. 

She started to calm down once I was holding her, and, well, I don't know why I suddenly decided to not be an asshole, but I turned off the light and stayed there so she wouldn't continue freaking out in her sleep. She'd be pissed off in the morning when she realised how we'd slept, but, well, she couldn't disagree with it. Besides, I'd saved her from whatever was going on in her nightmare. She owed me.

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