41. Perks of the Job as a Personal Hairstylist.

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When I woke up, I was over my side of the bed, but I was immediately aware that I was naked. Oh fuck. I quickly rolled over, terrified that I'd find Oli next to me naked too, but he wasn't there, instead I noticed the bathroom door shut and a glow of light radiating from under it. Christ. I had no recollection of the night before in the hotel room, but I couldn't see any signs of a repeat of the night we got lost in Prague. My dress was on the floor, but my underwear was nowhere to be seen. I hoped that meant it wasn't removed in some kind of desperate moment of passion. 

I climbed out of bed and threw on an oversized jumper, waiting for the shower to be free and I quickly messaged Paige to ask what the hell had happened the night before.

"Hey, quick question, uhhh... what happened last night? I don't remember anything." I sent her.
"How are you feeling? You took Molly at the club and were being really affection and funny. You told Matt you loved him, I think you told everyone that you loved them!" she responded with a laughing emoji. Ah crap.
"Oh lord. I wasn't like, flirting with Oli or anything was I?" I questioned fearfully.
"No. I don't think you really even saw him until we got back here." she replied.
"Why do you ask?" she then questioned.
"I woke up naked..." I replied.
"Ohhhh shit. Have you asked him?" she sent back.
"No, he's in the shower. I have no idea what happened but I don't feel like I've had sex." I replied.
"I think you would know if you did... like, wouldn't your body be giving you hints?" she asked. She was right. I reached down and touched myself and well, I didn't feel any type of way... there was nothing to signal that I'd done anything, nothing was sensitive and there was no crazy wetness or anything... and as far as I could tell, the bed felt pretty er, clean.
"OK I don't think I did anything... I mean, there's usually signs." I sent to Paige again.
"Well that's good, lol. Imagine if you had sex with him again!" she responded. I didn't want to imagine it! I told her I'd join her for a coffee run down in the lobby, and headed out just a couple of minutes later after slipping on some shoes. 

I picked up a latte while Paige got herself a mocha and a double espresso for Matt, but we headed straight back to the rooms seeing as we only had half an hour or so before we had to depart Antwerp and I still needed to shower! 

When I got back to the room, Oli frowned at me for reasons unknown, but I just got on with packing my stuff into my suitcase and drinking my coffee.
"So are you going to ask me what happened last night?" he questioned as I juggled packing and coffee. 
"I wasn't going to, but sure, enlighten me." I replied without turning around.
"Do you really not remember?" he questioned after a pause. Ugh.
"Well clearly not. Just tell me whatever it is that you want to tell me. You're clearly dying to rub something I did in my face." I said with an eye roll.
"Well, you told me I had a cute smile, you cuddled me... let's see, what else? Oh yeah - you got naked and did a little dance, then jumped on top of me and fucked me like some kind of horny  nymphomaniac." he explained.
"Excuse me?" I said, now stopping and looking at him.
"You heard me." he stated. I tried to remember the night before, but I couldn't. Nothing.
"We did not have sex." I stated confidently.
"Oh, we definitely did. You really fucking enjoyed it too..." he said proudly, suggesting he'd gotten me to orgasm. I really couldn't remember that happening, but if it did, I'm sure there would be signs... I didn't know what to believe. I really didn't feel like I had done anything.
"One, you would never get me off, and two, I think I would remember if that happened." I scoffed.
"Well clearly not, because it definitely happened. You came so fucking hard and it was hot as hell." he remarked. He was full of shit, I was sure of it.
"God you're a dickhead. Keep making up stories and having wet dreams about me, Sykes." I said as I shook my head to myself.
"Why the fuck would I make it up?" he questioned, suddenly sounding kind of pissed off.
"I don't know? To piss me off maybe, like always?" I suggested.
"Jesus. Whatever Summer. Believe what you want. Oh and don't worry, it won't happen again." he grumbled.
"You're damn right it won't. Once was more than enough!" I snapped. 

I grabbed my things and headed for the shower and I found my underwear in a pile with two wet towels. One was his, but the other must have been mine. Clearly I'd taken a shower last night, that's why the underwear was in there... I had probably just so fucked up that I'd gotten into bed straight after, that was why I woke up naked. I don't know why the fuck Oli would make up lies about sleeping with me again, but I truly didn't believe it had happened. I checked my body in the mirror for marks or any signs that he'd slapped my arse or dug his fingers into my hips, but there was nothing. My legs didn't hurt and if he came the way he did last time, there would be signs within my body, and in the sheets and there was nothing. He had to of been lying.

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