45. Penetrate Her Heart With A Missile.

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We boarded the bus at 9am, ready to begin the four-hour drive from Rotterdam to Bremen; another town in Germany. I took a seat by the window and got out my phone, posting some pictures from the past couple of days, saying 'hi' to my friends and then also checking in with my sister who was showing as 'online'. I told her that I'd slept with Oli again, that I wasn't even drunk this time around and she thought it was hilarious.
"Of course you did. I predict it wont be the last time either." she replied. What the hell? Way to slut shame me, sis. LOL!

About half way into the trip, I was looking at my phone when Oli scared the living fuck out of me by sticking his hand through the middle of the seats from behind me.
"Jesus Christ, are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" I squealed as I looked back. He just grinned. 
"Now why would I want to do that?" he asked as he got up and came and sat in the seat next to me. I had not invited him into my personal space. Why the hell was he sitting there?
"Is there a reason you're sitting here?" I asked straight away.
"Yeah, I'm bored." he replied.
"And that's my problem, how?" I asked. He just chuckled.
"No, I actually have something for you." he said as he reached into his pocket. What the actual hell was he doing? Some kind of prank or something, no doubt. He pulled out a magnet that said 'Rotterdam' on it and handed it to me. I'd seen them in the gift shop at the hotel, so I had absolutely no idea why he was giving me one.
"Um... OK, why?" I questioned.
"So you can always remember the night we made passionate love." he chuckled. Oh, Jesus Christ.
"You're an idiot." I stated as I shoved the magnet back at him. He laughed way too much.
"Hey! That cost me seven euros!" he stated. He was such a dickhead. 
"Yes well, I'll give you seven euros to never again remind me of what happened last night." I quipped.
"Aww... way to break my heart, Sunshine." he said sadly. What the actual fuck?
"You are so dramatic." I stated with an eye roll.
"I know." he said with a stupid smirk as he stayed sitting there. I waited for him to leave, but he didn't, I waited longer, but he still wasn't leaving. What the fuck?
"Um, are you just going to stay there?" I asked with a laugh.
"Can I?" he asked.
"No." I replied, still laughing.
"But I like sitting with you." he chuckled. I laughed as I looked at him. Was he being fucking serious?
"No you don't." I laughed.
"Sure I do." he said as he pulled a little packet of Oreos from god only knows where and proceeded to open them.
"You want one?" he asked as he held the now open packet out to me. I actually laughed because he was being an absolute fucking weirdo.
"No." I laughed. What the hell was he playing at? 

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[Meanwhile... PAIGE, from the other side of the bus, a few seats back]

I nudged Matt with my shoulder gently, to get his attention and he looked at me.
"Are you seeing this?" I asked him quietly as I looked over at Summer and Oli with a grin. He looked over and I saw the corners of his lips curl up. 
"Well I'll be damned. Are they actually getting along?" he questioned in amusement. 
"Yeah, and Summer is laughing. I can barely believe my eyes." I chuckled gently.
"Oli totally has a crush on her." Matt chuckled.
"Really?" I asked as I looked at him. I didn't exactly think Oli was the type to have crushes...
"He would never admit to it, but I just have a feeling." he stated. 

I looked back at them and smiled. It was kind of adorable to think that Oli could secretly like my best friend, and even though I wasn't entirely sure, something told me that maybe Summer liked him a little bit too... maybe it was only on a physical level, but she had definitely warmed up to him a lot since the beginning of the tour when she really did hate him. Something had definitely shifted between them.

"Imagine if they got together and we could double date." Matt said with a grin, breaking me from my thoughts. I just chuckled and kissed his cheek. I really didn't know if Summer would ever date again, it would certainly take a lot to convince her... it would be kind of cute if Oli tried though. I mean, they did look really good together and despite their usual bickering for the sake of egos, I think they actually had quite a lot in common. I wouldn't have to beg Summer to come on tour with them either if she were dating Oli, lol.
"Imagine how much we would get to be together. I could come on tour with you all the time if Summer also wanted to come to be with Oli." I said, thinking out loud.
"Hmm... maybe we should play cupid and shoot arrows at them." Matt said in amusement. I chuckled.
"It would take way more than an arrow to get through Summer's heart... maybe try a missile." I said in amusement. Matt laughed loudly and both Summer and Oli looked around so we sunk down in our seats. Oops, hahaha. 

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