54. Together-ish.

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Three weeks after I'd come back to England and two and a half weeks after Paige had returned, we flew to The Netherlands to go to Mysteryland with Oli and Matt. They had just finished their tour so we met them in Amsterdam and I hated that I was kind of nervous about it. I was never nervous. Maybe it was more of an awkward feeling than nerves, but I didn't like feeling that way what so ever.

Oli had changed his hair colour yet again, this time to some weird half black, half green look, but I can't deny that he still looked good. I don't know how he managed to make it work but it suited him. He still greeted me with a 'Hey Sunshine' and I still rolled my eyes, but Oli didn't annoy me as much as he used to. I certainly didn't feel rage when I saw him anymore. I still didn't let him get too comfortable though and we still gave each other shit - it just felt less personal and less serious, like the actual anger and hatred I felt previously was now more just of a 'God, he's an idiot' kind of vibe. 

The guys had rented a three bedroom apartment just like Paige had mentioned, so I had my own room, but we all got drunk and Oli and I slept together that very first night in Amsterdam. I wasn't really surprised seeing as I hadn't even thought about sex since leaving the tour, but I was surprised at how fast it happened. I guess I knew it was going to happen again at some point and considering I hadn't slept with anyone in weeks, maybe it shouldn't have come as such a shock when I woke up naked in his bed on the very first morning. He was still as good in bed as I remembered, but I'd have to wait until I was sober to decide how I felt about it.

Mysteryland was loud, crazy, incredible and exactly what I imagined it to be, an absolute overload of the senses and the most amazing four days of my life. Oli really tried it on with me at the festival and at first, I kind of pushed him away but as the day went on, I just gave in to it. He stood behind me and put his arms around my waist in the mosh pit all the time; pretty much whenever I wasn't jumping around or dancing with Paige, but I guess I didn't really mind. We even made out a few times when music, drugs and alcohol made me feel super affectionate. It was pretty crazy to be kissing him at all, let alone in public; in front of Matt and Paige, but they seemed to ship us. They seemed happy that we were getting closer and doing whatever the hell it was we were doing, even though we didn't speak about it or ever try to label it as anything. I ended up sleeping in Oli's bed every night, talking into the early hours, sometimes drinking, always giving each other shit, then waking up naked, fulfilled and tangled in one another in the morning... so while I definitely wouldn't say we were dating or exclusive or anything, maybe we were kind of... exploring? I never in a million years thought I would ever say that.

I hate to admit it, but I think I was developing a bit of a crush on Oli... He was the first person since I'd broken up with my ex who caught my interest in the way he was starting to, but then again, I always went for bad boys and Oli could probably be their God. I knew he was terrible news, that he was exactly the type of person I shouldn't get anywhere near other than physically, so it was easy to drown out the crazy ideas that occasionally popped into my head. His bad boy ways weren't what held me back though, it was the fan girls; the never-ending attention he had from other women who all felt the same attraction to him that I did, the women who hurled themselves at him and surrounded him constantly, the women who would give him whatever he wanted with no strings attached... I didn't stand a chance against that. 

I think Oli was enjoying whatever it was we were doing because he always seemed to be in a good mood and he seemed different to how he'd been on the tour. I wasn't sure how to really explain it because he was doing the same things, making the same stupid comments, trying it on with me like he had always done, but it felt genuine now... like if he made a comment about getting me into bed, he said it because he genuinely wanted to, not because he was just trying to annoy me. I guess I'd never seen him be so... positive. For some reason he seemed more attractive to me too, like I'd catch myself looking at him in random situations for no reason and lord help me when he walked around shirtless, it would take everything in me not to get up, drag him to the closest bed and violate his body. Everything seemed better, more pleasant... maybe he was just in a good mood because I let him have the post-sex cuddles he seemed to always want, or maybe it was because I finally gave sucked his dick; something he'd begged for and I'd teased about on the tour, but never done. At least it was a nice dick to suck. 

In some unbelievable and unexpected turn of events, I even let him hold my hand in public after a few days of us being in Amsterdam together. He grabbed it as we wandered into town one before the festival one morning, tangling his fingers between mine out of absolutely nowhere. Of course I immediately looked at him with a frown.
"What are you doing?" I asked. He just grinned at me with mischief in his eyes, that deadly smile of his curling up as he squeezed my hand tighter, not saying a damn thing. I rolled my eyes at him but closed my fingers around his and kept walking, giving in to his request and maybe even enjoying the public affection a little bit. Paige's eyes went so wide they almost exploded popped out of her head when she noticed we were holding hands... I wasn't surprised though, I was shocked too. Deep down I think she had always secretly hoped I would hit it off with him though. I could just imagine the dreams and fantasies she had about us double dating and all that frilly, pathetic shit.

Time passed and I wasn't pushing Oli away anymore, and even though I hated it, I was getting those pesky flutters in my stomach whenever he was affectionate with me. He was clearly getting more confident because the affection was becoming more and more frequent, like he'd test the waters and if I didn't push him away, he'd push it more. He was still kind of an idiot, still kind of a cocky asshole, still making sexual comments to me all the time, but when he did it now, I knew he meant what he was saying and it made me kind of happy. I truly don't know how I went from despising him only a month earlier to letting him hold my hand in public and feeling my heart leap when he so much as smiled at me, but, here we were. It felt terrifyingly familiar to how my first serious relationship had started; the one that ended in betrayal and pain, but I was trying not to sabotage myself, trying not to talk myself out of seeing where things could go. I wasn't too proud to admit that I had started to enjoy his company and the attention he gave me... I hadn't really even thought about hooking up with anyone else, despite being surrounded by thousands of beautiful, horny people at a music festival. It didn't really seem like he was interested in hooking up with other people either though, so... 

I still wouldn't admit to anything I've just said in front of him or Paige, but I probably wouldn't deny any of it anymore either. Things were really different and I guess I, dare I say it, liked the way things were now. I guess Oli's stupid jokes and sexual innuendos weren't as annoying as I once found them, and maybe I didn't hate the nickname 'Sunshine' as much as I thought I did. 

Maybe I didn't hate Oliver Sykes after all, hell, maybe I actually kind of liked him.

*This was the original end of the story, but I couldn't resist writing one more chapter to show how Oli and Summer's relationship evolved after the Mysteryland trip... 

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