43. My Default Setting When I'm Nervous.

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We went out for a couple of drinks after the festival that night, but retired to our hotel rooms well before midnight. That didn't happen often, but it was the second night in a row that we didn't party hard and to be honest, it was a welcome break. I think everyone was pretty exhausted from our partying ways since the tour had begun and we were all running out of steam. 

I was prepping myself for bed, or at least laying in bed looking at my phone in an oversized t-shirt that I was going to sleep in, happy to just chill out when Oli came out of the shower.
"You wanna know about Joel?" he asked completely out of the blue. I certainly did... I knew there must be something big between them for them to hate each other so much. I was surprised that he was offering to tell me though... he didn't usually share anything personal with anyone as far as I could tell. He didn't exactly open up very much, especially about anything serious, definitely not with me.
"Not going to lie, I really do want to know." I replied as I sat up with my legs crossed and put my phone down.

Oli let out a sigh as he rummaged at his suitcase, presumably for a shirt since he was just in sweatpants. "We were best friends as kids." he stated as he stood by his case with his back to me. "We met at the beginning of high school, had the same classes, we sat together at lunch - pretty much everything. We started a band in ninth grade too, called 'the affliction'." he explained.
"Wait... The Amity Affliction?" I questioned, trying to jump ahead.
"Just let me tell you the damn story." he stated. LOL, he was right.
"So we had this band for 2 years then in the 11th grade, he suddenly got popular because his older brother was on a TV singing competition. The cool kids suddenly wanted to know him, so he kicked me out of the band we started together and just abandoned me once he had his better friends." he admitted. "He totally ignored me when I tried to talk to him, then he started dating the girl I'd been in love with for years even though he'd never even liked her. Then he bragged to the whole school that he'd taken her virginity, not to mention he started teasing me and making my life hell so that he'd fit in with his asshole bully friends even more..." he explained as he pulled a shirt over his head. I didn't react, but I was pretty surprised by Oli's open-ness. I fucking knew that Joel had bullied him though! I could just fucking tell.
"Then one day he beat me up for absolutely no reason and I was the laughing stock of the entire school." he stated as he sat onto the couch. "So yeah, he just betrayed me in every possible way for no reason at all, when I'd done absolutely nothing to him." he finished. 

I was shocked, but suddenly a lot of the things Oli did made sense. I could see why he was an asshole all the time, why he didn't like people, why he was always trying to look cocky and strong and not care who he hurt in the process... even why he hooked up with girls like they were nothing, probably trying to prove some kind of fucked up point to himself.
"I'm really sorry. Bullying is fucking awful." I said without really thinking.
"Yeah, it's shit." he replied.
"Trust me, I know." I stated. He just kind of looked at me with a frown.
"Don't tell me you have a story too?" he questioned.

I don't know what on earth made me want to open up and tell him about my past, but I couldn't stop the words coming out of my mouth. It was like I had no control seeing as he'd been so honest with me. I ended up telling him what had happened to me when I was 13, how I was played by my crush and his friends, led to believe he liked me and then ridiculed in front of half the school on stage for no other reason than their amusement.
"I wasn't physically bullied, but it traumatised me big time. I guess maybe now you can understand why that prank in Paris triggered me so badly." I said. I wasn't trying to make him feel bad, but it wouldn't hurt for him to realise that he had done something really fucking hurtful to me.
"Fuck, I'm really sorry." he said, looking genuinely remorseful.
"Don't worry about it." I shrugged. I hated how exposed I suddenly felt. I regretted telling him so much when he could use it against me the next time he wanted to get under my skin or piss me off.
"Anyway, it makes sense that you hate Joel... I totally get it. I'm even more glad I made him feel like shit now." I stated, getting the topic back to him.
"Yeah, I can't lie... it was pretty spectacular." he grinned slightly. "He just seems to have this way of ruining everything for me and taking things away from me. I hated it when his band got popular, well, our band... he didn't even change the fucking name that I came up with..." he said.
"Yeah but your band is way more popular than his now anyway." I shrugged.
"I guess. He tried to cause so much fucking drama for me on the festival circuit when we started getting later time slots than him... he hated it when we surpassed them." he chuckled. Huh, another thing that suddenly made sense... all of the rumours about Oli being a fucking dickhead backstage...
"He was always the smarter, more popular, better-looking one, so at least I have a more successful band now I suppose." he said.
"More popular? Better looking? Please." I replied with an eye roll.
"Are you saying I'm hot, Sunshine?" Oli asked with a smirk.
"I'm not giving you any fucking compliments seeing as you once implied you'd rather gauge your eyes out than see me naked." I stated. Oli just laughed.
"I was just shocked. Asshole is my default setting when I'm nervous." he said.
"Are you infinitely nervous then? Because you're always an asshole." I laughed.
"Fuck off." he laughed as he threw a cushion from the couch at me.
"For the record, you look good naked. No need for eye gauging." he laughed. I jumped off the bed to retrieve the cushion he'd thrown at me and went over to bash him over the head with it which made him laugh as he tried to shield himself with his arms.

"Alright, can you stop being civil to me now? It's literally terrifying." I asked as I sat onto the side of the bed. He frowned at me, still with a smile on his face.
"Why?" he questioned. I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"Because it's hard for me to hate you when you're acting like a fucking human being towards me." I stated. Oli laughed.
"Maybe you should try not hating me then? I'm not that bad." he chuckled.
"Are you suggesting that I could possibly tolerate you? Maybe even like you?" I asked with pretend disgust. Oli laughed so hard at me.
"You said it, Sunshine." he replied. I just rolled my eyes.
"How many times do I have to tell you..." I said as I picked up one of the pillows from the bed. "My name is Summer!" I stated as I swung it and hit him across the head yet again. He laughed and tried to curl up in a ball so I got up and really started attacking, but he started to fight back, defending himself and trying to get my fluffy weapon from me. I managed to pin him into the couch with the pillow over his face like I was suffocating him and it was only then I realised how intense our play fighting was. So much for a quiet night...

He managed to get the pillow from me so I jumped up and squealed as he came after me for revenge, but I had nowhere to go. He bashed me with the pillow, grabbed me and then laughed as he pushed me into the wall and held me there. I don't know what the fuck was going on, but my body was screaming as he suddenly stood right in front of me. Something changed in that moment; the air was suddenly so tense and his eyes were dark, staring at me like prey, like a fucking demon in a horror movie. My heart was racing and I realised I was holding my breath, so I let it go heavily. His lips were so close to mine that I could practically taste them as he chuckled, and well, I actually kind of... wanted to kiss him. WTF?!

It seemed as though my mind had left the building, like all rational thought had just switched off and my body was now in autopilot. The line between rivalry and attraction was blurring and it was impossible to deny the chemistry between us. It felt like that night I was drunk and I threw myself at him all over again, rage morphing into lust, hate turning into passion, disgust turning into desire... fuck. I was so horny, still 'in the mood' after flirting with Joel earlier in the evening, but Jesus Christ. Was I really desperate enough for this?! The tension between Oli and I was almost unbearable and I teetered on the edge of giving in to the desire that had been building throughout our play fight. He looked to be in the exact same state of mind and I swallowed hard as his gaze fell to my lips. I fucking knew what was going to happen before it even did, and for some reason completely unbeknownst to me, I couldn't nor wanted to stop.

Oli crashed his lips into mine and kissed me heavily, in the same way we'd done so on that drunken night in Prague. He pressed his body against mine and gripped my waist tightly, clearly aroused, clearly wanting to be dominant, clearly wanting to do certain R-rated things to me. He pulled me from the wall and backed me toward the desk, swiping everything on it to the floor in one bold move before lifting me up and sitting me onto it. Everything was happening so fast but I wasn't hitting the brakes... I was in freefall, not having time to be rational or think about the consequences of what I was doing what so ever. I pushed my underwear down my legs and he took off his pants as we continued making out, then I pulled the shirt he'd only just put on back off and threw it to the floor, completely swept up in the moment of passion. 

It was a blur, but I wasn't drunk; I knew exactly what was fucking happening and I still wasn't resisting or stopping it. The only thing I could blame my compliance and acceptance on was what had happened earlier in the day; the flirting and the high-likelihood of getting laid when I ran into Oli's enemy, Joel. I was horny as fuck, desperate for attention and craving connection, but surely I didn't have THIS little of an amount of self control!? Surely I wasn't going to give in to his advances again!? Especially not when I was SOBER?!

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