16. SCREAM [My Name].

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I woke up sore, still tired and with aching limbs... Sleeping on the floor was NOT comfortable at all and I tossed and turned all night. I groaned without even thinking as I stood up and it felt like all my bones had to shift back into the right places. Oli looked over at me from the comfort of the bed with a smirk on his arrogant face. "You should have just shared the bed with me, Sunshine." he laughed as I painfully stretched and my bones cracked. ASSHOLE!

While Oli was in the shower, I got dressed and ready for the day. I could have packed my things and taken myself to the airport to fly home like I had intended, but I wasn't going to give up my entire holiday after one lousy day... fuck that. I could stay out all day and have nothing to do with them once we were in each new place. I wasn't afraid to explore on my own. I wasn't going to throw in the towel, no. They weren't going to get the satisfaction of watching me leave and if Oli wanted to make my life hell, then I'd just have to do the same to him. 

I had no idea what anyone else had planned that day, but I wasn't going to let anyone ruin my first time in a new city. I had never been to Madrid, so I was going to go out exploring on my own. Before I left, I threw my pillows down the middle of the bed and when Oli emerged from the bathroom, I frowned at him. I hated that I was giving in and moving up to the bed and that he would feel like he won, but I literally couldn't spend another night on the floor. I couldn't stand it. "I knew deep down you wanted to be in bed with me." he said with a wink. Ugh. He made me cringe.
"I swear to God, if you touch me or so much as even breathe over my side, I will kick you out of the bed." I replied angrily. He just laughed.
"Come on Sunshine, play nice. I think you secretly like me a little bit..." he said. I just glared at him and it seemed to amuse him. "I bet I'll get you to scream my name tonight." he said with a laugh. Oh my GOD, why was he so repulsive!? I honestly hated guys like him; guys who were so fucking full of themselves and literally thought every girl in the world worshipped them.
"Do you ever stop thinking with your dick?!" I asked in disgust. Oli looked at me so in such an un-phased manner.
"Uh, I was talking about at the concert tonight, Sunshine. It's not my fault if you can't stop thinking about my dick." he said with a chuckle. UGH! I clenched my hands into fists in rage. He was such a smart arse, and I couldn't even think of a come back.
"Where are you going?" he asked as I headed for the door.
"Out." I replied bluntly. I left the room without hesitation and headed down into town. 

I found a free walking tour that started about 20 minutes after I'd arrived, so I decided to join it. I didn't have a clue what Paige was up to, but I was super pissed off with her anyway. Of course I thought about her and how we should have been exploring the city together though. She sent me a message at midday to apologise but she didn't even ask if I wanted to do anything with her so she was obviously with Matt. Clearly she didn't give a shit if I was bored, even though I wasn't. It wasn't until 2pm that she bothered asking where I was, saying she'd been to our room and that nobody was there. I guess Oli must have gone out too. I told Paige I was out exploring and she sent me a stupid smiley face and told me to be ready to leave the hotel at 6pm for the show. Really? I didn't even want to go to it. I didn't want to be around Oli any more than I forcibly had to, and honestly, I didn't want to see Paige either after the shit she'd pulled in tricking me into agreeing to come and be tortured. It's not like she couldn't have gone on her own since she was just ditching me and acting like I wasn't there anyway. Ugh. Everyone just pissed me off.

Despite my stubbornness and pride telling me to boycott the Bring Me The Horizon concert, I decided to go. I had been wandering around for hours and I was tired, the concert was my free meal ticket and I didn't exactly want to just sit in the hotel all night either. I also realised that I was stuck with these people for three weeks and I didn't want everyone to hate me, or even worse, just leave me behind somewhere! I wasn't in a very good mood, but I headed back to the hotel at 4pm and took a shower - I needed one after wandering around in the Spanish heat all day.

I was towelling myself dry when Oli came barging into the room like a fucking bull in a china shop. Had he not heard of fucking knocking?! Especially when the door was fucking shut! I literally screamed in shock and scrambled to clutch the towel against me to try and cover myself but he'd already copped an eye full. Thank GOD I was facing away from the door, though he'd clearly seen my ass and God knows what else through the reflection in the mirror.
"GET OUT!!!!" I screamed loudly.
"Ugh, my eyes!" he cried like he was repulsed by what he'd seen. Fucking little shit!
"Oh fuck you! You wish you got the whole fucking front show!" I screamed as he retreated from the bathroom. I was so fucking mad! What kind of idiot storms into a room when the door is shut?!?!?!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Christ. Having someone in my hotel room is going to take a bit of getting used to. Not that I'd mind catching a glimpse of her naked again. She's pretty hot, lol. 

She's probably going to be in a shittier mood that usual when she comes out of there now... far out, I'm fucking out of here. I don't need to have my head ripped off. Fuck that shit. Back to the pool bar I go.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My blood was boiling and I was ready to let hell loose on Oli once I was finished in the bathroom and dressed. Honestly, he probably barged in on purpose. What an asshole! I swung the door open with fire in my veins, ready to lay into him and tell him off for being such a dickhead, but he wasn't there. The room was empty. That little fucker had run away. Good riddance too, I didn't want to be stuck in the room with him for the next two hours! I threw on some comfy clothes and I climbed onto the bed to look at stuff on my phone hoping that he wouldn't come back any time soon.

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