The Sisters, My Roomates

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Hell, Greed Ring

Inside a large city of greed, Furantor, there's a concrete apartment building, inside that, a three bedroom apartment. Our story begins there.

???: "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CONTROLLER AT!" As a white short haired demon with short black horns jutting through said hair, frowning, very annoyed, barges through the door in a red hoodie and black jogging pants with an arrow-shaped tail behind them.

???: "JESUS FUCK!" A demon inside said room jumped from his wheelie chair "The hell Malina! At least knock first." The dazed demon gets up from the floor. "Did you ask Zdrada?... You know what, don't answer that. PS4 or Xbox?" He changes the question.

Malina: The demon shoves her hands in her hoodie pockets "Both damnit, I couldn't find either." looking more upset than mad, with the exact same sharp frown.

The male demon walks towards her, passing a mirror he looks at himself. He's slightly taller then most demons, has a pair of short black horns, his tail looks like a fishing hook and has two small black wings coming out 2 holes in his shirt on his back. He's always wearing his f/c headphones whether on his head or around his neck. The demon being, you.

(A/n: You get to decide what he wears of course, unless I say he's wearing something specific for a chapter or so. But you will have to have some type of footwear, shirt, jacket/jumper and pants, cool ok cool.)

Y/n: You put a hand on her shoulder. "Look, I'll ask her so you don't have to, but if I don't get anything out of her I'll make dinner, okay?" You offer.

Malina: "Fine." She sighs

Y/n: "Good, cause I got a shit ton of work to do, so let's get this done as soon as possible." You pass by the sour demon and go through the doorframe into a hallway.

As you leave your room you see a door across from you, Malina's  bedroom. To your right a dead-end, to your left, 2 more doors and at the end of the hallway another left turn to the living room/kitchen. You walk up to the second door on the right.

You see a small bit of smoke coming from the top of the door.

Y/n: "Zdrada" You think to yourself slightly annoyed. You enlarge your wings to the size of your back. You walk in knowing she'd just be more annoyed if you'd knock.

You enter, closing the door walking into a fog of smoke, even for a demon of wrath this would be too much, not for you who's been friends with her for years. You walk towards a window and open it, then spreading out your wings using them as a fan to blow the ash out the window.

Once you're done you turn to see a short demon girl with short white hair, small rounded inward horns, multiple piercings, a chocker and a cross necklace. She lays on her stomach in her bed in a tank top and jeans, with a shit-eating grin that would piss anyone off.

Y/n: "Would it kill ya to crack open a window sometimes." You ask arms folded.

Zdrada: "Would it kill you to live a little." She retorts as she rolls onto her back, flicking the butt of a cigarette onto a pile of cigarettes, probably covering an ash tray.

Y/n: "You mean living in cigarette smoke? I'm good, thanks." You walk up and crouch down to her level. "So, where are they and don't even try the 'I have no idea what you're talking about' shit."

Zdrada: "I'd need something in return for that information, but there's no-" She starts mumbling as you hold up some 'Hellstone Cigarettes' Her favourite.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now