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Judgement peeked her head around the corner. Pretty much everyone was standing in the Kitchen, very much a place they shouldn't be, everyone had been banned after Christmas, because they attempted to recreate some of the recipes, which oddly enough, did not go well.

Judgement was ready to push them out until she noticed one person handing out drinks, the one person who wasn't banned from the Kitchen and only other person not interested in Y/n. His protégé, Tindira. Ever since she cooked in that one stupid contest, Y/n helped her learn how to cook. He also tried to help Modeus who quit soon after.

"What's going on here?" Judgement walked in. Tindira ran over happily with a colourful drink in hand... I mean tentacle.

"Hey Judgement! Check out what Tindira made for us!" Justice held up her own colourful drink.

"It's quite nice, even if it's not coffee." Pandemonica said quietly.

Judgement shrugged and took the drink she was handed, it tasted like strawberry which was actually quite nice.

The front door opened, announcing the two demons and Angel that had left this morning, return.

"There's no way you don't pass Azazel! You've totally got this!" Y/n was holding an open cardboard box with marker pen on it, reading 'potions'. Colourful tubes and glasses stuck out of it. But that's not what the demons were staring at.

Y/n's black tail had been rid of, replaced with a white fluffy tail and instead of black horns were white dog ears matching his hair. He kinda reminded them them of a caramel retriever, to Azazel he was like a golden retriever. Caramel Retrievers were actually called Devil Dogs, but were too cute and loyal when tamed, so renamed. They look pretty much the same to golden retrievers,  only difference being colour.

Cerberus walked in behind him, following calmly, mostly because their master gained the scent of a dog and it was very strange.

Azazel then walked in with an embarrassed smile. "You really think so?" She was very happy though. Azazel actually surprised the demons even more, mostly because she was now one of them. Her hair was completely white, no sign of dye, with two small black horns., her eyes had gone from blue to red.

Everyone except Justice was pretty surprised. Because well, y'know.

"Yup nothings gonna stop you! You're super smart." Y/n shouted loudly.

Cerberus quickly picked Azazel up, and threw her into the air. "Angels super smart! Angels super smart! Angels super smart!" The continued to chant while throwing her upwards.

"Oh, hey you guys!" Y/n turned to the other demons, his tail wagged even more when saying hi to them.

"Uhh? What's going on?" Lucifer the Queen of Hell had trouble deciphering what was currently going on.

"It was Azazel's Brewing Exam today, after absolutely destroying it she'll be able to easily purchase ingredients and equipment for more alchemy." His tail wagged even harder, showing how happy he was for his friend.

Justice was confused on why everyone seemed so focused on the two, so she walked forward, to what all the fuss was about, she could soon sense something else on the top of his head, she was tempted to reach out to see what it was. Y/n consented by lowering his head a little, letting her reach.

And so she did. "It's so soft." Her white eyes actually sparkled underneath her sunglasses. She then began to scratch. "Who's a good boy!" Y/n couldn't retort to what she said because the feeling of his head was to nice and distracting. His tail wagged stupidly fast.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now