The 2 Elementals

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A/n: This is my story and there's not much to go off from the Helltaker other than the characters, so I wanted to add more story so these guys will be important later on, I really hope you don't mind.


Envy Ring, Tuum

You barge though the people in the crowd, barely being able to catch up, they continue running through the maze of people until they run into an alleyway slowing down, you do the same to try and surprise them.

They turn the corner you lean against the corner sneaky-beaky like.

You peak over to see the figure walk to another sitting figure, a girl, one horn pointing forward on her forehead, white hair reaching down to her chest covering her face, wearing rags, blue skinned arms and legs poking out.

The other figure kneels down, opens their who hood to reveal, a short white haired boy, two horns, red face, 2 crimson eyes.

Boy: "Hey, look I got something, it's a potion it will make you feel better." The girl doesn't speak "Please, just drink it, you have to get better." The boy begs, once again the girl does not reply.

Y/n: You already understand that he was just trying to help his friend... sister maybe? Doesn't matter, but you need that potion and it looks like shes sick, not having any broken bones. "Hey, Kid."

Boy: He grows a concerned look on his face, as he slowly looks over back at the guy he stole from nonchalantly lean up against the wall. "Oh no... no, no STAY BACK!" The boy puts the potion in his pocket, instinctively moves infront of the girl, opens his palm, and a small ball of flames is conjured.

Y/n: "Look you have my potion and I need it back, it heals..."

Boy: "So it will help my sister!" The boy interrupts with a happy smile.

Y/n: "It heals bones, Kid I wouldn't be to sure to give her potions you randomly stole, who knows what you gave her."

Boy: "Your lying, everyone know that the red potions heals your body from everything, I've seen load of hunters get better after drinking them!"

Y/n: "There are different shades, each for a different effect, it could mean a lot of pain for your sister over there... I would much prefer not to fight a child, how to defuse how to defuse, ah I could heal her, I'm sure I'd be able to do it. ...Unless."

Boy: "Unless..." The boy repeats back uncertainly

Y/n: "I heal her." You say confidently

Boy: "You. You can... but why-"

Y/n: "It's my ability, I can heal others, but I can't heal myself, that's why I needed the potion." You lie easily.

Boy: "How can I trust you?"

Y/n: "Crap, he's right, would anybody trust some older guy who followed you down an alleyway with a solution to their problems Stok." You pull out your grimoire, the boy reels back.

Boy: "What is that! What are you doing!" The boy shouts.

Y/n: "I need the book to do healing, just calm down. Look I don't know how you can trust me, however I can heal her and you give me the potion after." You offer

Boy: He seems to be in thought for a moment. "Alright but I see everything you do and the fireball stays."

Y/n: "Alright." You slowly walk over to the girl, hands in air, grimoire bobbing along in the air.

You feel a pair of eyes burning into your back, literally warming it, you ignore it continuing to walk to the girl.

You look at her before pushing her hair towards the back of her blue head, revealing that she's actually a cyclops, the strange thing is her eyelid seems to be frosted shut.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now