Saving a Researcher

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Bold - Can also mean Spells

Greed Ring, Furantor

As the lava bubbles, flowing the the red mountains of hell, as the demonic beasts graze the land, three demons wake up after a night of a game of Mario Party not the best thing to wake up after, but definitely not the worst.

Y/n: "[Yawn]" You try to stretch your arms to realise there stuck. You look to your left and right, remembering that you slept with your 2 friends on the couch. 1 clinging to your arm for dear life and the other holding onto your waist laying her head on your lap. "Wait, wasn't she laying the oth- OW My head damnit!" You exclaim quite loudly, due to what your guessing is a hangover. The 2 stir in their sleep.

You try to shake Malina off your arm, you fail, like a vice she gets tighter, groaning in annoyance.

You try and free your arm from Zdrada's side and the couch, you succeed, you use your now free hand to grab a cigarette out of her back pocket.

Zdrada: "heh, perv..." She mutters in her sleep.

Y/n: "little shit" Using 4 fingers to hold the cigarette next to your thumb. "Anávo" You mutter, a small flame appears on your thumb, you bend it to light the cigarette, the shake your thumb to put the flame out.

Y/n: "Cmon take the bait, ya little chain smoker. I reeeeally don't want to throw up on you." You lean the cigarette just high enough to so she lifts her head, she bites it and let's go of your waist. You manoeuvre your bottom half from underneath her head. Her head falls back onto the couch cushion.

Now you just have one more to deal with the one clinging to your arm, she doesn't look like she's letting go anytime soon.

You take an empty bottle of 'screwdriver' vodka and hold it up to her nose to see if it does anything, she loosens her grip slightly to the familiar smell of her favourite beverage, you use that to your advantage, replacing your arm with the bottle like a certain explorer with a certain idol.

You leave both demons on the couch so you can go take a shower and get ready for work.

You enter the hallway, open the first door on the right, the bathroom. The first thing you do is lift the toilet seat to throw up.

You take a quick shower, throw your dirty clothes in the laundry basket, tie a towel round your waist and head to your room to get changed.

You put on some casual clothes, because your job doesn't require any dress code.

You take your laptop and put it in a leather satchel, throw the strap over your shoulder.

You grab your grimoire, and speak "Stok" A head-sized f/c coloured vortex appears, and you throw the grimoire inside.

You check you have everything you need and pass by the sleeping sisters and outside the front door.

You would normally leave a note, but you checked your phone realising that is 10:44 meaning, that your about an hour late for work.

Y/n: As you run out of the apartment building you enlarge your wings to start flying. "FUCK, SHIT SHES GONNA BE PISSED! Wait maybe if I grab something on the way she won't be so mad, hopefully, maybe.... oh I'm sooooo screwed." You internally panic.

You begin flying towards the Ring of Envy, The main City Tuum.

Y/n: "Crap I'm gonna be so late, unless... Stok" You stop mid-air, next to a f/c vortex, you shove your arm in and grab your grimoire. You flick through the pages until stopping on one. "I got this, high tier spell, here we go. Révma aéros"

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now