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Modeus was currently waiting by the door for a package.

The door was knocked on, and Modeus quickly got up to open it. By the time she did, the mailman was already flapping away. Modeus was a bit upset she couldn't try any drugs on the guy but at least she didn't get an annoyed Y/n or lectured by Judgement later.

She picked up the package took it inside and opened it up on the table. The contents of the box was a knife, from one of the top blacksmiths. She didn't know to much about knives however due to liking heavier weapons more. So she called down two people who knew a lot more about knives.

Lucifer: "Yes, Modeus?"

Zdrada: "The fuck do you want?"

Modeus: "Well I needed to know if this was a good knife. However I'm not to sure because I don't know much about them." She holds the knife in front of them.

Zdrada takes it.

Zdrada: "Feels nice, good edge." She flips it around a bit. "It seems pretty good." She holds it out to Lucifer.

Lucifer takes it from Zdrada.

Lucifer: "Nice balance and weight." She makes some swiping motions. "But there's only one way to test these things." She smiles. "Y/N!"

You come walking downstairs after a minute.

Y/n: "What is it." You say nearing the three other demons.

Zdrada: "Test something for us, would ya?"

Y/n: "What?"

Lucifer: "This." She walks around and behind you and stabs you in the back of the shoulder.

Y/n: "MOTHERFUCKER! Ahhhh..." The pain quickly goes away as you pull out the bloody knife and your bees heal the stab. "You daughter of a bastard! That is my third stab this week! And it's fucking Monday!" You throw the knife on the table and walk back upstairs.

Zdrada: "PFT- I'd say that knife is top quality considering it went through him that easy."

Modeus: "Good, I can't wait to make the bento!" She says picking up the knife.

Zdrada: "You tryin to make Japanese food?"

Modeus: "It's for Y/n, it's supposed to be a romantic gesture! I'm sure he'll like me after this."

Zdrada: "Uh, Horny, I'm pretty sure he already likes you."

Modeus: "No he doesn't, he's into some really kinky shit, like romance, love and stuff like that. If I want him, this is how I get him!" She says confidently.

Zdrada and Lucifer look at each other.

Justice's room

Justice was currently sleeping away until certain scent entered her nose and she shot up.

Justice: "Food!"

She quickly jumped out of bed, still in her comfortable clothes and ran downstairs, only to find not Y/n cooking but three other demons.

Modeus: "This isn't fair! You're just stealing my idea!" She says cooking eggs.

Zdrada: "Fair, shmare." She looks through the cupboards.

Lucifer: "I'm just proving I'm the best cook in this house." She says finding another frying pan.

Justice: "Are you guys breaking the one rule Y/n set? Awesome!"

Modeus: "He'll see I'm allowed in the kitchen, if I cook this well enough."

Justice: "So what are you guys doing?"

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now