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"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" A male demon with a single horn shouts at the new demon in the room.

"My names Y/n." He said casually. With the same exact unnerving expression.

"NO! HE MEANS WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" A female demon with three tentacles points at him.

"Uh, I work here." He shrugs. "And I've already had enough." He really didn't want to drag this on, he was already feeling sort of bad about this situation. He quickly lifted his hand to his right, his hand shook as a line cut through the skin of his palm. He gripped his hand into a fist and the shattered blade of a knife appears out of thin air. "Aóratos"

The demon then disappeared. And another demon in a scaled cloak appeared. Blood rushing out his mouth. Y/n then appeared behind the demon, a sword appearing with him, right through the cloaked demon. The woman immediately used her tentacles in an attempt to try and stab him, only for them to all be caught.

He stares with a smile only to see more demons step out the shadows. He then frowns realising how annoying this is going to be.

-Timeskip, brought to you by Y/n giving a tired Pandemonica a piggyback-

Dek was driving frantically, he was checking the CCTV camera to delete and stop it for his meeting, only to see demon killing all of his squad, the same demon that seems to be fucking everything up for him.

Why had he not heard of this bastard. It had been a single day and his entire plan was screwed. His actual Boss was gonna be pissed, especially since Dek was the sole survivor. But he could get Pandemonica, maybe he could salvage this mission. Just maybe.

He stopped outside a shabby apartment building and immediately ran inside, he started running up flights of stairs. "Fourty-Six, Fourty-Six, Fourty-Six!" He finally got to the door. He knocked hard and quick.

A very tired and sick looking Pandemonica opened the door. "Dek? Why are you here now?" She was not feeling well and she immediately thought this probably had something to do with Y/n which should be-

His eyes glowed purple. Then so did Pandemonica's, stopping her thoughts. "Perfect!" His plan had finally come to fruition.

The aphrodisiac he used was one that only the succubi variant of demons knew about. If taken enough, the demon it's used on, will essentially see the most well-known succubus in the vicinity as their lover, their mannerisms and personality will even change to how the poisoner sees them and wants them to be.

And to the Prideful Dek, he was assistant to one of the most stern, dominant demons in Hell, so he always had fantasies of her being... submissive.

Our always favourite servant was currently talking to John back at the Customer Service. Well trying to... if he wasn't throwing up in a bin.

"That has t-" A very unpleasant sound, stench and sight came out his mouth. "...to be the most disgusting thing..." He breaths heavily before throwing up again. "...I have ever seen-" I think you see the pattern by now.

"There, there." Y/n patted John's shoulder. They're were two reasons why John was throwing up. First, the man barely sees red, he can usually come to a peaceful conclusion, which Y/n respected. Second, the room was a big mess, a lot of blood and a lot of strange spells that wouldn't damage the building, but it made the bodies look pretty strange. Good thing he just knocked most of them out, only Gaia knows what Pandemonica's gonna do with them, poor bastards.

People were surrounding the room while a team in black armour were clearing it all up. They were basically the cleaners, a hired group by Pandemonica, they just help her for stuff like this. A lot of people die in the alleyways.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now