The First Ever Dream

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"Z. I am really fuckin tired... and it was two actually." The servant demon groaned tiredly, he had just gotten back from Beel's Boutique and wanted to go to sleep.

"I can't believe this, I missed prime material..." Zdrada dropped her cigarette in absolute shock.

While she did that, he just walked past and head straight to bed, he needed rest, only God knew what he had in store for tomorrow or tonight for that matter.

As soon as every demon in the mansion fell into a rest, the house was quiet. A small artefact placed on the mantle of the fireplace glowed. The small crystal bonsai tree emanated a small yellow shine along with a small chime.

The sound slowly made it's way up the stairs, down the hallway and into the Helpful Demon's room.

That chime took over the demon's mind.

As if... leading him.


The demon, saw nothing, heard nothing, felt, tasted, smelt nothing.

His mind was at the artefact's whim.

The artefact wanted to make the demon dream. It wanted him to dream of another possible reality.

What the creator of the world had first envisioned for this demon for his future and the realms of Heaven, Hell and Earth.

A future where he wasn't the Helpful demon but the Helpful...


The demon... no, human. Woke up from his long rest, but everything was so different, the room was bare, no furniture to speak of, even his bed was just a futon.

He was dazed. But still he took the cracked phone on the floor beside his futon and looked into it, the screen brightness glaring into his sandy eyes. He stared at the time before realising.

"Shit!" It was seven thirty. He was going to be late for the bus if he didn't rush.

He picked up all the personal somewhat valuable possessions and shoved them in a shoddily made satchel. It was just a laptop and and some documents, that was about it. That was all he really had anyway.

He took no time running out his house into the street. All while insults were following him out the house.


"Oh shut it you useless slabs!" He shouted right back. Which of course caused more insults. "Too damn tired for this..." He muttered securing the leather satchel over his shoulder.

He looked back at the house. It was foul looking place. Easy to tell how many patch jobs were made around it, just to keep regular functions working. Even then it look like you'd get a disease just breathing in it's air.

But the teen looked around, the neighbourhood was worse off, most having given up on making their homes any better at all.

And this house he walked out of, it would do the same. Good. The man hoped the inhabitants would rot, die and go to straight to Hell. The last option wasn't so possible, but still.

He looked down at himself. All the the colour from his clothes faded, his shoes uncomfortable and breezy with holes. It was pretty easy to tell he belonged to place like this. All he could hope was that would change.

Maybe that dream, being a demon, a higher being meant something. But why the hell would he be a dirty demon, though being a horrible human really wasn't that much better huh.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now