Needing Money

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Pride Ring, Justice's Mansion

Y/n: "The hell is this?"

You read a pamphlet that Lucifer left on the counter.

Lucifer: "It a luxury magic item auction. Usually weak noble demons go to them to get stronger with artefacts and such. Useless to me, yet they invite me everytime."

Justice: "Ah come on, sometimes they have good stuff." She walk to you two with a different pamphlet, with strengthening things and weapons.

Modeus: "It where me and my Father get more of our 'exotic' toys. They also sell some powerful potions." She walks over with a pamphlet with potions and phallic objects

Y/n: "They invite you guys too? With specialised pamphlets?"

Justice: "There's a rune on it that reads the items out to me aswell."

Modeus: "They invite people who are high up in Hell. Most people get sent a regular letter though while higher people get recommended things, that are going to be there."

You keep reading the pamphlet and something looks familiar on it.

A vortex appears beside you and you pull out your grimoire.

Lucifer: "Is something the matter?"

Y/n: "It's just... this book on your pamphlet looks like mine, the designs are the same, the only difference is the colour of the cover!"

Lucifer: "Hmm?"

Y/n: "I need to see this... but the only way is to buy it and..." You look at the price on the pamphlet and spew blood. "What the fuck is this price."

Lucifer: "It is, a luxury auction."

Y/n: "Remembering that the only way I'm living right now is off my friend practically and that I'm actually very poor does not help. I either need a big raise or a fucking miracle. But this could be connected to my Mom... damn it I'd do anything for enough money to get this!"

The three girls near you shiver as you glare at the pamphlet.

Lucifer: "Anything? You say."

Y/n: "Well yeah this could be super important. I mean I could always get a loan, or..."

You slowly turn around, looking at the three.

Y/n: "So I need some cash."

They all smile.

-Timeskip, brought to you by the Chibi trio of girls, thinking mischievously-

The girls decided to take turns of special orders. First up Modeus.

Y/n: "Please tell me your joking." You say desperately.

She just smiles.

Y/n: "Today, is the day I die."

Malina was playing hollow knight on Xbox, sitting on the sofa.

Y/n: "Hey Malina." You say nervously walking into the room.

Malina: "Hey, need something?" She says focusing on the game.

Y/n: "I... am so sorry." You quickly walk behind her before squeezing her chest.

Before she even has the chance comprehend what has just happened, she turns around, slamming the controller into you face, sending you straight into a wall.

Malina: "FUCKING PERVERT!" She says jogging off while holding her chest.

Y/n: "All that trust I had built up over the years is completely gone... I'm such a bad friend..."

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now