Servant Battle

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Y/n: "That's not their title to give away..." You say as your wings expand.

Currently you were creating a fierce aura that of course would not harm anyone in the box considering everyone's strength, but they could of course still feel it.

Before anyone can ask any questions you fly off into the crowd of servants inside the coliseum.

In the box seats

Lucifer: "Did Y/n... just get angry?"

Justice: "That was weird."

Leviathan: "What? Does he not get angry?" She says drinking rum.

Judgement: "Of course he does it's just..."

Pandemonica: "He's always in control of his aura. Emotions can never affect it." She says smiling evilly.

Mammon: "Bullshit, the soul is affected by the emotions, hence his aura would too."

Pandemonica: "Of course, but from what I've learned, he's been able to hold it back, only when you really, really piss him off does he let it go."

Leviathan: "Makes sense why Sath is drooling then." She says, making everyone look at the drooling Overseer.

Sathanas: "Ehehehe did you all not feel that pure raw rage coming from him~ It was delicious~" She says staring down at the coliseum.

Asmodeus: "I can feel the lust coming from you."

Lucifer: "You will not touch my servant..."

Sathanas: "Oh? What makes you think you can stop me? Hm, child."

Lucifer: "You may be an old hag but I'm still the Queen of fucking Hell."

The two glare at each other.

Belphegor: "Quiet... or I'll [Yawn] put you both to sleep again." She says glaring at the two.

Both Overseers look away from each other.

Leviathan and Gula look confused both being somewhat new Overseers they had never heard of this before so they look to basically the Dad of the Overseers.

Asmodeus: "I'll tell you two later."

The pirate and glutton nod before looking back to the coliseum.

Lucifer: "I have one question, Pan, have you seen him angry."

Pandemonica: "Only once, I'm sure Malina and Zdrada have seen more times. The person that caused it was someone being completely useless and completely unhelpful in the customer service and he was going off on Y/n. He took the insults, that's the kind of person he is, the one to not give a shit. Until he said, that Y/n was the one that was useless. I've never heard better screams in my life~"

Jen: "I'm still confused?"

Pandemonica: "His title is the helpful demon, he holds that more dear then anything in Hell, even more than his grimoire, his knowledge and there's a good chance for caring about it more than even us. If anyone dared to take that away or even insult it, like calling him unhelpful, they would be lucky to be alive."

Jen: "[Gulp]... shit." She thinks back to earlier.

Pandemonica: "When that incident happened and I learned how protective he was of his title, I knew I had to get him here for the servant battle, so I could hear those screams... and of course claim his title of 'most helpful', and this, this was the perfect chance."

Lucifer: "That's why you gladly let us use your limo."

Pandemonica: "Consider it me buying a ticket to my new favourite movie. One of my favourite people, beating the shit out of others."

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now