Overseers (P.3)

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Wrath Ring, Bellum

Y/n: "It kinda feels good to be back here." You say flying through the large trees of Wrath.

The were at least days of travel away from the kingdom that took you and Cerberus, to be fair you were days away from really any sort of civilisation, that wasn't just completely based around fighting.

Receptionist Skeleton who's name you learnt was Dave, had told you where to go, mostly because Lucifer was feeling stabby.

He told you to go to the tallest mountain in the Wrath Ring, Mt Hierarchia.

The mountain is covered top to bottom in greenery, and though not many have been there is surrounded by great warriors, however it's also been said that none of them are smart in the slightest.

The mountain is supposedly also a castle itself. Apparently there should be a large balcony leading into the throne room of the Overseer.

Dave said you couldn't miss it, then Lucifer came in with giant knives made out of energy, so you ran before getting any more information.

You fly over a cobblestone, then over many different kinds of demons and many kinds of houses out of all different kinds of architecture.

You start slowly raising your height as you watch as the people go around their daily lives.

Until you finally get close enough to the mountain to the point we're you have to go straight up.

After a while you finally get to a place you might describe as an open-air throne room. It was embedded into the mountain, with a huge amount of space, the walls a floor made out of cobblestone, with luxurious red carpet with gold details. Lit up by candle chandeliers.

The throne was pure gold except for it being cushioned and behind it was piles upon piles of gold and jewels, the walls were filled with types of weapons from guns to swords. There was also a wall of hunting trophies like heads, fur, scales and horns, some being what you realise being, demon horns.

On the throne was a beautiful woman, atleast twelve feet tall, her silver hair flowing over her long red dress leading to long sharp shoes with glowing red heels. Her white skin changed into red scales starting from her arm leading into sharp claws. Large blood red wings, four times the yours, protrude from her back to her sides, her large scaly red tail comes from behind her and her large horn come out each side of her head before curving upward.

Her chin rests on her fist as she sits thinking.

She hears the flaps of your wings before her crimson eyes focus on you for a moment as you fold your wings in your back as you drop inside the hall.

You walk over to her, stopping infront of the the throne before getting on one knee, bowing to the Battle Queen of the Wrath Ring, Sathanas.

Sathanas: "[Sigh] Stand and Speak." She says still resting her head.

Y/n: "Good... something, your majesty." You say shaking your head trying to think what time it is. "I am Y/n, assistant to Lucifer. I'm here to collect the yearly reports for the Wrath Ring."

Sathanas: "[Sigh] Give me a moment."

She gets up from her throne, and walks to a large set of oak doors the size of her, and opens them.

Piles of paper flies out the door, going all around the room.

You start walking around to collect them, while Sathanas goes back to sitting on her throne.

After about ten minutes of picking up papers you collect the last one you get a paper cut, your finger begins to bleed.

Y/n: "Tch, damn." You say annoyed as you throw the last paper into your spell.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now