Hide and Seek

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"Krampus, please..." The caretaker was no longer playing hide and seek. The child demon was nowhere to be found, he was looking absolutely everywhere. Well everywhere except the girls room. They were all still a little sore about the guilt tripping. Once again. Hypocrites.

But she wouldn't go in there anyway. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully.

He had been searching for the past hour. He was getting close to the point where he might have to start using spells. But not yet.

"Where is this child...?" He had checked pretty much the entire mansion so he was going back to the start. Her room. And there she was, drawing like there was no tomorrow. She wasn't even trying to hide, she just looked over innocently. "Oh! You finally found me!"

She was sitting cross-legged on the floor, Her legs were underneath the small table.

"Did I really look all over just for you to be in your room." The helpful demon heavily sighs.

Krampus immediately stands up, prideful of her win, she laughs loudly. "I won, because I'm the best!"

"Hm? Are you so sure about that?" The other demon folds his arms.

"What do you mean?" Krampus asked confused.

"You have to be good at the seeking part as well. Gimme one minute and you'll never be able to find me." He thinks for a moment. "And if you do, you'll get a plate of cookies." He points.

"IM GONNA FIND YOU!" Krampus points.

"Ah, as soon as I close the door, you start counting and you come find me." Y/n smiled, he was gonna hide where she would never find him.

His first move was down the hallway and down the stairs and into the front room, where he quickly had to ask a question to the Queen of Hell. "Why is there another artefact on the table."

"Oh good you can tell it's an artefact." Lucifer looked back at the unimpressed demon. "You're well versed in most magics, care to tell me what types coming out of this one?" Lucifer was incredibly good at magic, especially eldritch, dark and soul types, however Y/n had much more variety when it came to his.

"Hm?" He picked up the strange crystal tree. It kinda reminded him of a bonsai tree. His fingertips went numb where he touched it and many words went through his head. "Dream magic? I think?" He puts it back on the table. He shook his head clear of drowsiness.

"Dream magic? Then this must've been made by that Shaman, a good couple thousand years back." Lucifer eyes the tree knowing now how valuable it is.

"Dream magic is extremely rare and powerful, so do you even know what the artefact does? Because remember what happened last-" He began to remind the demon.

"Yes, yes I got everybody sick, it was harmless." She waved it off.

The helpful demon wanted to say something but just left instead after his little guilt tripping stunt and contract change, they were already annoyed and brought it up when he got annoyed about something.

"Oh and Krampus is coming." She looked back at the demon, before examining the tree once more,

Immediately he took to the ceiling, she was short and who looked up when playing hide and seek. However when she did run through the room, she immediately went over to Lucifer. "Have you seen my subordinate?" Lucifer smiled evilly, before looking upwards, Krampus confusingly followed suit. Seeing the annoyed demon on the ceiling. "AHA FOUND YOU!" She pointed.

"Crap..." He sighed. And quickly landed on the ground. He looked over at Lucifer with an annoyed look. She just shrugged with a satisfied smile.

Krampus looked up to him with sparkling eyes.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now