A new home

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Greed Ring, Furantor

In a wrecked apartment three demons sit in a room, one hungover, one slightly pissed off and one making a phone call on loud speaker.

[ring ring]...[ring ring]


Justice: "Hello, who is it."

Y/n: "Hey."

Justice: "Oh hey Y/n, what's up."

Y/n: "So I um kinda need another favour."

Justice: "Okay..."

Y/n: "I need a place to stay for a bit and so do my friends."

Zdrada and Malina look surprised, they weren't exactly expecting you to get a place for them too, after what they did.

Justice: "I mean, sure but I know you can't pay rent for this place but I'll still need something in return."

Y/n: "Listen, I don't really have much right now..."

The phone goes silent

Justice: "Assistant..."

Y/n: "What?"

Justice: "You should become my assistant!" She says getting louder and happier. "That way you can help me out, cook for me and everything.

Y/n: "I do have a job though."

Justice: "Just do it outside your job, to be honest it'll probably be mostly cooking anyway."

Y/n: "Yeah... yeah alright." You don't think it'll be too bad, plus it's Justice.

Justice: "Well then su casa mi casa for both you and your friends. Just come quick ok so I can taste your food, alright bye." [click]

Y/n: "We've got a house." You say as you pass Malina back her phone.

Malina: "Cool... so what, we just pack our stuff and go." She shrugs.

Y/n: "Let me ask you a question: the fuck do you have to pack?" Knowing their stuff got destroyed.

Malina: "True..."

Zdrada: "I guess we just go then, now where are we going exactly."

Y/n: "Oh, Pride Ring."

Malina/Zdrada: "...huh"

Y/n: "...Pride, Ring... is there something wrong." You ask confused.

Malina: "The fact that the Pride Ring is, y'know completely-"

Zdrada: "Full of snooty assholes."

Malina: "Yeah, that's it."

Y/n: "Well not her, she's great. She's fun, strong, reliable, a great friend."

Malina: "If she so great, how do we not know about her." She shrugs.

Y/n: "Oh come on she's Justice, she's awesome." You smile

The girls look blankly at each other for a few seconds before Zdrada bursts out laughing while Malina looks at you like your crazy.


Malina: She speaks as Zdrada rolls on the floor. "Sorry Y/n, but it's impossible for you, to know someone like Justice."

Y/n: "But I don't have my phone, hmm... oh I know Stok. I have these pictures I got when we went out to an amusement park."

You pull out a variety of photos when you went to an amusement park with Justice. A lot of photos of you both doing random shit, like Justice eating a shit ton of cotton candy, you guys on a rollercoaster, you guys easily winning prizes. The one that seemed to make it clear to the sisters was the picture of you and Justice putting an arm round your shoulders to take a selfie.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now