More of an impact then previously thought

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"Krampus, you can't be doing stuff like that." The caretaker demon scolded. He had ran out of ingredients for cookies and so did most the farms in the area. He had also ran out of candy. Luckily, tonight was the night he would be taking her back to Baphomet.

If he could get everything packed up.

"NO! YOU SAID I'D GET ALL THE CANDY I WANTED!" The small demon screamed teleporting around. Her ability was annoying, with eating candy and sweets came a range of annoying powers, the worst was short teleportation, making it impossible to keep the young demon in check.

The spellcaster used all the safe trap spells he knew. They were all useless. He was kinda annoyed about it. However her attempts in trying to get him to stop packing everything up were futile. She attempted to punch her subordinate but her attacks just bounced right off.

Krampus quickly realised it wouldn't be effective and decided causing a mess would be better.

"Krampus..." The subordinate demon growled.

"Fine!" She teleported once more and out of the room.

Not even a few minutes later.

"The hell do you think you're doing?" Judgement growled with a very proud looking Krampus on her back.

"Uh, packing up Krampus' stuff." Judgement quickly realised she had been lied to. "For the love of Gaia please tell me you didn't believe whatever Krampus told you?" He sighed.

"But it's true! He bullied me!" The small demon accused.

"That! That's what you believed?" The servant demon laughed. "Isn't judging things literally your job!?"

The high prosecutor felt stupid. Very stupid. "Look... any chance you just don't bring it up again?" She'd pray to about any god right now

"On behalf all the idiot friendships around the world, I swear I will never let you live this down... until I forget in like a month or something." He put all of Krampus' suitcases into his inventory spell. He passed by Judgement picking of Krampus by the back of her collar. "Time to get going."

"I don't wanna!" The child attempted to escape but ran out of energy to teleport. So she mostly became a tornado for a good bit while being held. "I don't want to be stuck in anymore stuffy cars!"

She was expecting the adult demon to say deal with it or grow up, instead he laughed.

"Cars? So as long as we don't use a car, you'll be fine?"

"Yes!" If they weren't going to walk or drive there was no way they were gonna go back, at least that's what went through Krampus' child brain.

"Alright then, well have you said goodbye to everyone?" Krampus nodded. "We're going then."

Now Krampus was even more confused but remembered that the demon had wings and quickly became very excited. Her tantrum had quickly ceased as the young demon looked up towards the winged demon. He could see the sparkles in her eyes and placed her on his back. She held on tightly with a big smile.

She just got more and more excited as he walked out the door.

"Now you have to hold on tightly got it, even if you fall I'd catch you, but it'll make the trip longer. Got it?" The demon on his shoulders nodded confidently. She just wanted to fly.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now