Azazel Needs A Break

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You were currently at the desk in your room going through many different books researching magical beasts and summoning. Finally you had finished reading through the book and understanding everything. Your bees of course buzzing around you.

Y/n: "But how is this connected with my mom?" You say underneath your breath.

Flicking through the book again you land on the heavenly beast section.

Y/n: "There's only one person who can actually teach me about this!" You get up and run out the room with the book.

You knock on a door with a white sign nailed into it. 'Azazel'

Azazel: "Who is it...?" A tired voice speaks.

Y/n: "Uh it's me, Y/n."

Azazel: "Mmm, come in..."

Opening the door slowly, you find a very tired and stressed looking angel sitting on her knees with a shadow over her eyes. Around her are books, whiteboards full of scribbles, a bunch of scrunched up paper.

Y/n: "Oh, oh no, Azazel... are you okay?"

Azazel: "...I need some help..."

Y/n: "When was the last time, you got out of your room?"

Azazel: "Um... a few days ago, maybe?"

Y/n: "Right." You put the book in your storage. "Your coming with me." You take her hand and lead her downstairs.

You sit her down at the table and make her bacon, eggs and toast, you set it in front of her. She slowly takes the fork and starts eating.

Y/n: "So, wanna explain what's with your room?"

She drops the fork on her plate and stands slamming her hand on the table with stars in her eyes.


She runs back upstairs. You sigh and follow behind her bringing her breakfast.

You walk in to her room as she starts explaining theories and ideas about how Judgement can use angelic energy and how you tanked it. You quickly shove a spoonful of food into her mouth.

Y/n: "Ok, first off the only reason I didn't burn to death was because I quickly covered myself with demonic energy."

Azazel: "[Gulp] But that stil doesn't explain!-" You shove another forkful of food in her mouth.

Y/n: "[Sigh] Judgement is... a fallen angel... she doesn't talk about her past that much so that's all I know."

Azazel: "But... but, ehehehe that's just a myth." She laughs nervously.

Y/n: "Then she's the first one."

Azazel: "But... but..." She falls to her knees.

Y/n: "Azazel you need a break, your hair is turning grey." You say plucking a small stray grey hair.

Putting her plate down on the ground so she eats, you begin to clean her room up a bit, making sure not to throw anything around.

Azazel: "They wouldn't lie about something so important... would they?"

Y/n: "Who knows, maybe it was to keep you safe."

Azazel: "Could I, be left alone for a bit."

Y/n: You put down a stack of uncrumpled papers. "Of course, but I'm gonna come back to make sure you've eaten something for dinner."

You close the door behind you.

Throughout the day Azazel does actually leave her room but she's, slower, more tired. She doesn't document anything or try to get involved in any activities. Some people might take this as 'Oh she's just taking a break' but she lives by journaling, it's what makes her happy.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now