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"You're sick, stay still damn it, I'll grab the medicine." Malina was trying to get the very tired demon back to bed.

Y/n coughed as he walked down the hallway. "I'm fine... I just ne-e-eeaaCHOO." He rubbed his nose. "...need some medicine from the cabinet." He continued towards the stairs.

Malina followed close behind. "This is the one time you definitely need help."

"No. I'm fine Lina..." The demon was most definitely sick. He was much more tired, his head was killing him and his body felt like it was destroying itself. He was essentially denying the pain he had. He refused to be an inconvenience, he could take care of himself.

"Ugh." She grabbed his shoulder. "I am not letting you fall down the stairs."

Y/n just scoffed as he stumbled down the stairs. "I do not need a chaperone."

"That raspy ass voice says otherwise, it's worse then Zdrada's." The word 'chaperone' actually brought up the memories of college.

Y/n was a worse people pleaser then he was now, she can remember the amount of times he went with a panicking Y/n for a meeting with college officials. None of those meetings stopped him from beating the shit out of harassers and asshats though.

Every time it was hilarious to her. A nice memory.

"Ah crap... Pan's coffee." He didn't have the energy to actually act on his sudden realisation.

"Don't worry about that, I don't think she exactly wants you coughing into it." Malina says bringing the demon into the kitchen.

Usually Y/n woke up to make breakfast for everyone. So most of the demons were actually there waiting, but they became slightly more interested in the fact Y/n was about to fall down. His tail was limp, his face was pale, his breathing was heavy.

"Yeesh, you look awful." Zdrada laughed.

"Appreciated Zdrada..." The sick demon slurred.

"I always am."

Malina walked him up to the medicine cabinet. Y/n opened it up grabbed a box and picked out some strips of tablets.

A breath of anger and annoyance went through the demon. "Who put empty strips of tablets back in the box and then leaves the empty box in the cabinet..." He mutters with annoyance.

"Hm, sickness?" Beelzebub walks closer. She opens one of his eyelids, puts her fingers on his throat to check his windpipe. "This is new...? And I threw a lot of sicknesses at you in the Abyss?"

"Mana drain?" Lucifer somewhat inspected Y/n.

Y/n sniffled before turning to her. "How do you know?"

"I have fallen prey to it before." She looks over at Beelzebub, obviously referring to the time she was sealed away. "No cure, you're going to have to rest for a while."

"Ugh, I was really hoping it wasn't that!" He ruffles the hair on the sides of his head. He knew what it was, just mostly hoping he was wrong.

Justice walks over with a smile. "He seems energetic enough, maybe a little warm but otherwise he seems good?" She pats the demon on the back.

Everyone could hear the gurgle come from the demon's stomach. They watched as he rushed over to the sink before the horrible aftermath came out his mouth.

"Is... is it rainbow coloured?" Pandemonica adjusted her glasses.

The demon finished throwing up, before shuffling slightly to the side and slumping his top half on the counter. "My precious sink... I'm so sorry..." He hated leaving his kitchen dirty but he was not in the right state to clean it up.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now