A line between a job and abuse

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(A/n: Hey there Demon Lovers! Sure has been a bit, doing my own shit, living and loving life. Looking at very cool art (https://www.deviantart.com/jpss10/art/Helpful-Demon-Short-6-Coffee-Break-987965572), y'know the usual, have a great day! Cya!)

"Ugh. Fucking annoyances." Lucifer had been through so many phone calls in the past few hours. Ever since she sent two of her best workers off, she was swamped by the huge workload that this Hell-spurt had created and what's worse there was one annoyance she absolutely  couldn't ignore.

"TheFactThatHellGrowsIsIncredibleIMeanItTakesAlotOfPowerFromEvenTheMostAcheivedMagiciansToChangeLittleBitsOfFloraOrFaunaAndNaturalEvolutionToAnEntireRealmSuchAsHellShoudTakeYearsToComplete!" The Angel was drooling as she followed the Queen around, writing every detail into her notebook. Who better to hear about Hell-Spurts than the longest living demon in Hell.

"Yes yes, well down here dead souls just turns right back into mana for the realm to grow. It's not like Heaven with all it's space." Lucifer turned her head back towards the Angel. "Hell is a prison and Heaven is a paradise." She spoke bitterly, that was and would continue to be her opinion on her Kingdom.

Usually Lucifer would have trapped the angel in her room, but this one time decided to entertain her due to Azazel's recent growth. Even now Lucifer could smell the lust of knowledge emanating from the Researcher.

And the fact she could not pass off the Angel to anyone else. Pandemonica was going to be gone for a good long while. A new percentage of population meant a higher percentage of complaints. And even though they didn't receive enough to have a Hell Spurt there was a lot of people heading to other rings, meaning Modeus had duties in the Lust Ring to attend to. Judgement had of course her job. Cerberus was off dealing with the highly active monster population in Pride right now. Beelzebub and Tindira were still at her Boutique. Zdrada took this time to fuck with the new inhabitants, Malina ended up getting dragged along.

No one else could take the Angel off her hands.

It was a tough thing to deal with. But she would get through it. She referred to Azazel of course. Maybe she could score enough brownie points with her to gather Y/n's routine. The angel was great at stalking after all. It could be the perfect way to steal that bastard's pancake recipe.

She would not be beaten by such a young demon.

Azazel tapped her notebook. "So Miss Lucifer, why does Hell deal with souls in such uncoordinated way?" Azazel was confused, after all, there was usually houses ready in Heaven straight away for people to move into.

Of course Lucifer remembered this fact. "If there too weak, they may as well just litter the road with bodies. There's a lot more terrible people up there than you think, so we just grab the stronger ones so at the very least they can survive and deal with their torture accordingly. Then the rest get one more chance." Lucifer spoke remembering how once spoke these same words years ago. "We filter through them, we can't take in everyone like Heaven. That's why Angels like yourself wouldn't notice, but time is slower for Earth then it is here to deal with such Hell-spurts.

Lucifer turned herself around hoping that the researcher would be satisfied, even for a little bit. Until she heard the inhale from the angel a second later.

Her teeth clenched into a gritty smile and her eyes widened. "Jesus fucking christ..." She couldn't believe the lungs on this angel. She was actually going to go through Hell today.

She listened onto Azazel's ramblings, but once again had to pull her phone from her pocket as it rang out. She tutted her tongue in usual annoyance until she saw the name on the screen.

"Angel. Leave. Immediately." She said that, but Azazel had no choice as she was picked up by some sort of tendril. She let out a scratchy sigh as she answered the phone. "What do you want? Micheal..."

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now