Im sorry who's at the door

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Pride Ring, Justice's Mansion

About two weeks have gone by with Azazel and Cerberus joining the house.

It's been a bit chaotic but definitely fun so you have no complaints.

Pandemonica has been visiting more often and has become a bit more friendly with literally anyone other than Justice, so that's good.

Right now no ones in the house so it's just you alone, with your thoughts and nothing to do.

Y/n: "Damn, this is so boring... [raspberry]. At least nothing bad has happened since I killed that King."

[knock knock]

Y/n: "Huh, there back early, why are they knocking, did they lose their keys or something?" You get up to go open the door for them.

You open the door to realise it wasn't your friends who were knocking but the Devil, herself.

Lucifer: "Ah-"


You stare blankly at the door.

Y/n: "...Was that just..."

You open the door again.

Lucifer: "Who are yo-"


You must really like that wood to be looking at it so much.

You open the door once again.

Lucifer: "Close that door again and you will be drowned in the River Styx." She says sternly, with some sort of bloodthirsty aura surrounding her.

You get a good look at her to se her wearing a black suit with pants and a red collared shirt underneath, complete with white gloves, a black tie. She has horns that are white and jagged and a black arrow tipped tail. She also has a mole underneath her left eye.

Y/n: "How can I help? Holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshit-" You say with a completely calm voice.

Lucifer: "Well, first off who are you and what are you doing in Justice's house?" The aura of surrounding her grows, suffocating you.

Y/n: "Y/n L/n, I am the live-in personal assistant of Justice." You say quickly so she doesn't kill you.

Lucifer: "...Bullshit, I've been telling Justice for years to get an assistant and she now gets one. ᛒᚱᛁᚾᚷ ᛗᛖ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛏᚱᚢᛏᚺ"

Her hand glows while you feel like something is eating out your brain.

You begin to speak but more zombified, as if your not truly speaking.

Y/n: "My name is Y/n L/n, I am the both the personal assistant of Justice and Pandemonica." Your eyes are foggy and voice plain, void of any emotion.

Lucifer: "Hm, your not lying, I let you go." She puts her hand down and the glowing stops.

You fall to the ground on one knee.

Y/n: "Okay, that was weird." You say clutching your head.

Lucifer walks past you as you catch your breath on the ground.

Lucifer: "It's... clean?" She says surprised.

Y/n: "I cleaned it, the assistant thing kinda evolved into a servant thing." You say walking past her. "If you need anything just ask. Shes terrifying, that aura around her literally hurts."

Lucifer: "Well, if your offering.

Y/n: "I should've shut up when I had the chance."

Lucifer: "Wine and chocolate pancakes." She smiles.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now