The Date

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Pride Ring, Justice's Mansion

It's been a week since you left your job as Lucifer's assistant after your last day, which was actually just a simple goodbye and a big pay check.

All good things end well, you thought. It hasn't ended yet, fate said.

Everyone was downstairs.

You were relaxing before your date that nobody knew about on the couch.

Justice was resting her feet on your lap.

Malina was playing Dark Souls 3 on the couch.

Zdrada was smoking while leaning on the couch next to Malina.

Cerberus was sleeping on the floor in a pile.

Azazel was reading a book on Sins.

Judgement was even here today talking to Justice and You.

You decided to finally go get ready to be early.

Justice: "Aww." She says as you get up.

But before that could happen.


Pandemonica slams open the door.

Pandemonica: "Y/n! What the fuck!" She shouted. Her horns were longer than normal.

You've never heard her so pissed off, it's terrifying.

She stomps up to you.

Pandemonica: "What's this I heard about you leaving your job as my assistant." She grabs your collar.

Y/n: "The fuck are you talking about! I'm going in tomorrow."

Lucifer walks through the door.

Lucifer: "I knew something like this would happen. No you're not." She sighs.

Pandemonica: "What do you mean?" She lets go of your collar.

Everyone was watching. Well Azazel was documenting.

Lucifer: "It seems it would be a better use of resources if he was my assistant instead of yours. So I have transferred him to the Pride Ring. He will be coming to the palace every work day instead of going to the Envy Ring."

Pandemonica: "Bullshit, I do so much godamn work everyday including days off to keep up. He is the only good help I get, while you have thousands of demons at your disposal."

Y/n: "Look can we argue about this later. I've got somewhere to be. And I do want a say in this."

Lucifer/Pandemonica: "I'd rather sort this out now/No!"

Pandemonica: "And where are you even going, it can't be important."

Y/n: "I've got a date." You plainly say.

Pandemonica stares blankly.

Both a crunch and 'You Died' sound is heard.

Zdrada chokes on her cigarette.

Azazel: "Oh that's nice, good for you."

Judgement: "Really, who would even go for you?" She scoffs.

Justice: "Yeah bro, good for you." She says quietly.

Zdrada: "Somebody actually went for this NERD, ha! I hope they realise what there getting into."

Malina just sighs and looks for another controller to replace her broken one.

Pandemonica: "[Sigh] I've got to go, we will sort this out though." Her horns have returned to their original size.

Lucifer: "I wonder who it is, considering you were working for me that entire time."

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now