The Overseers Servant

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You were still walking around the place, it was mostly bits of food, jewellery and other stuff. Most merchants and sellers came from all over the ring to this apparently, to try and get the nobles to notice them, but currently most noble's attention where currently on someone else.

Leviathan: "I can feel all that envy on you, people really want what you have." She says walking beside you.

Y/n: "Oh great, more attention, just what I wanted."

Jen: "What did you do to make people hate you so much?"

Y/n: "I'm with three beautiful women, two of which are incredibly powerful and giving a piggyback to the new Overseer of Gluttony, people probably want my connections. The fact that I came here with Lucifer and the Princess of Lust, probably spread aswell."

Jen: "I'm beautiful, ey? You should really buy me a- wait you already gave me a drink." She takes a swig of her whiskey.

Leviathan: "Y'know, had anybody else said that, I'd probably gut them." She smiles.

Y/n: "And?"

Leviathan: "I know you're not trying to butter me up, so I'll take it."

You all end up talking and joking for a bit, until...

???: "Gottagoquick! Gottafindsomethingfast!"

He comes barrelling into you, as you make sure Gula doesn't hit the ground by catching him, you hit the ground hard however.

Y/n: "Ow..."

Gula: "Thank you." He steps off your chest.

As you get up you look at the small demon that rushed into you. But don't get much of a chance as Leviathan picks them up.

While in Leviathan's hands you get a look at him. He's a small demon, about as short as Gula, he has small black horns and is wearing a suit outfit.

Leviathan: "What ya doin, running around in a crowd like that?!"

???: "AhI'mverysorry!Ineededtofindsomethingsoshewontgetangryatme!"

Everyone but you, looks at the demon confused.

Leviathan: "What the fuck are you saying!?"

Y/n: "So who won't get angry at you?"

Everyone looks at you.

Servus: "You can understand him?"

Y/n: "I live with someone who speaks like this all the time. Can you put him down?"

Leviathan does it, looking annoyed.

The guy seems scared. Look around in every direction. You crouch down to his height.

Y/n: "Right, now I want you to talk about what your doing, just go don't hold back."

His words come and go by like bullets as you nod along, while the rest just look at you impressed and confused.

He finishes speaking.

Y/n: "So your name is Spec. You have to find some jewellery that matches your boss' or she'll get angry with you. You'd rather not let her get angry with you because your put under more pressure and given more work, which you cannot do."

He nods.

Y/n: "Who's your boss?"

Spec: "Miss Mammon."

Y/n: "The Overseer?"

He nods.

Leviathan: "Ugh! Of course that greedy bitch is here!" She says angrily.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now