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"Mhmm." Y/n dabbed the sweat off Justice's forehead.

"I swear the Guild can't deal with a single crisis without having to call me up and help and I'm usually fine with it. But when the crisis is that a high-level party goes missing? That's just bullshit." Justice was currently working out in order to just let all her troubles go.

Justice wasn't one to complain, ever, even though she was the Ex-High Prosecutor and still had all these different responsibilities and roles afterwards, she never complained. It was something that she wasn't allowed to do, it made her feel weak. However there were a few people she felt like she could complain about things too. That being, the Helpful demon.

"Sounds like bullshit." Y/n let out his true thoughts on the matter. He would usually be training with her but had just dealt with Cerberus lately and didn't feel like it.

"It is. That's the issue. They were way better a few hundred years ago." Justice put down the weight she held and sat tensely.

"Eh, when I had to deal with them they were the exact same." The servant shrugs.

"Really?" She sighs. "But still I just wish they left me alone. Sure I love fighting, but I shouldn't be used as some sort of tool, I'm a last resort, only used for bigger threats." She laid down on the carpeted ground. "Feels demeaning being used for things like large outpost or hordes of monsters." She tilts her head over to the demon, who let out a chuckle.

"I know a lot of demon who would be dying to get a part in an outpost raid. And hearing you complain about wiping them out gives an incredible outline of their faces." He stared blankly into space.

"You gotta give me some rookie Y/n stories at some point." She smiles desperately wanting to know what he was like years back.

He gained an interesting look. "Only if I get rookie Justice-" He was quickly interrupted as her top half shot up off the ground

"Not happening. Don't feel like losing reputation as awesome demon." She spoke calmly.

"I suppose we'll never truly know, what happened to either of us then." He held out his hand. "Why don't you finish the weightlifting and I'll go make you a protein shake real quick." Justice pulled herself up with a nod.

"Those will have to wait I'm afraid." Lucifer walked in with a phone shouting at her on loudspeaker. "Hell spurt." Lucifer looked towards Justice. "I'm using one of my favours, Sloth needs assistance." She looked towards the ever growing sound from her phone. "A lot. Y/n go with her, I need documents signed by her, and she'll need a lot more help, alright?" She sighs when she leaves the room.

"Huh, guess we got crap to do!" Justice looks towards Y/n.

-Timeskip, brought to you by chibi Y/n doing loop de loops by a certain demon's request-

Y/n and Justice finally reached the end of the Pride flatland, reaching the lava ocean of Sloth. Y/n was muttering to himself the whole way there.

"You really that excited?" Justice spoke from his back. She had insisted on the piggy back ride because it was just more fun.

"I mean, yeah! I've never actually gotten to seen a Hell spurt before!" He said wondering what it was like.

He knew the basic premise of the idea, if too many demons got into Hell, the overall energy would cause Hell itself to grow. This wasn't an often occurrence of course, that's what the beasts were for, to cut the population of Hell short if it ever got too big, but sometimes they weren't enough, especially if a big 'event' happened on Earth.

The last one caused every single ring to grow, what in god's name are they doing up there?

"Eh, it ain't much." Justice said tiredly. "Though I guess I wouldn't know much about it. Spent most of my time dealing with all the demons who were causing the spurt." As the Prosecutor she had to slow the demons coming from Earth down to a trickle, as to not make the spurt to dangerous.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now