Taking care of

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Pride Ring, Justice's Mansion

Coming back home from a two-day shift finally you can get some rest, you open up the front door.


You see Azazel sneeze into a tissue, while having a red face.

Azazel: "Oh, welcome back Y/n." She speaks in a raspy voice.

Y/n: "Azazel? Are you ok?"

Azazel: "Not exactly. All of us aren't. But I just want to see what demons are like when there sick."

Y/n: "Go to bed."

Azazel: "What! But my research-"

Y/n: "Is less important then yourself."

Azazel: "I'm sorry, but this is the prime time... to... collec..." She begins to fall backwards.

Y/n: "Scoop." You catch her and pick her up in a Princess carry.

Azazel: "Um, sorry. Don't worry I'm fine. Wait where are we going." She says wobbly.

Y/n: "Putting you to bed."

Azazel: "But, my research-"

Y/n: "If you want it that badly, I'll do it. Just recording what the others feel right?"

Azazel: "Um, yes, thank you. Can you put me down now."

As you walk into Azazel room you drop her on her bed.

Y/n: "I'll go talk to the others, then I'll be back with some tea. So stay here and try to go to sleep."

Azazel: "Alright." She says disappointed.

You leave the room with a notepad and a pen.

Y/n: "Lucy's went to work so she's good plus she's the Queen of Hell, Beel's immune, Tindira is her. So their fine. Let's go see Malina."

You knock on the door.

Y/n: "It's me."

You hear a bunch of rustling.

Malina: "Come in."

Walking in you Malina in her bed. Before doing anything else you pick up the unit all her consoles are in and her TV is on and move it in front of her bed.

Y/n: "There, now you have no reason to get out of bed, do you want anything?"

Malina: "Nothing gets past you, does it... Chips."

Y/n: "Got it. I'll bring them up later, for now..."

You have her answer some questions that Azazel wanted you to ask the girls.

Leaving the room, you open the door opposite to Malina's.

To see a sick Zdrada, smoking.

Zdrada: "Oh shit."

You walk over and take cigarette from her.

Y/n: "You know this just makes it worse."

Zdrada: "Look if I can be anywhere and I'll still smoke."

She takes out another cigarette from literally no where.

Y/n: "Not if you're asleep."

Zdrada: "Hey no more of that powder shit."

Y/n: "Fine, you have to answer a couple questions in return."

Zdrada complies however you lied.

After she answers the questions.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now