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"One Cerberus, two and three, all with the Queen, hm hm hm hmmmm~" The Helpful Demon hummed an old lullaby to himself in the superstore. He had a small basket on his arm. He looked carefully at the fresh produce in the store, usually he'd go get it fresh but he just wanted some sort of guilty food to eat.

"Look. There he is..." A voice came from the other aisle. Y/n heard them from his own aisle.

"Someone famous must be here..." The demon thought to himself, it co- "Ooh, Gluttony grown cabbage!" The demon was very quickly distracted by the premium product.

"Um, hello..." The voice got slightly louder.

"I wonder if I could get deals on ones that are near their due date?" The demon questioned. He was gonna make and eat these straight away anyway.

"Hello, royal attendant?"  The voice became even louder.

"Oooh I could make chicken wraps!" He threw the head of cabbage into the basket. The Demon turned around ready to walk away.

"Sir Y/n!" The demon's wings burst out as he jumped at the loud voice.

He stared at the trio of winged demons. They looked incredibly nervous, the one who called out his name slinked back as he stared.

"Uh, sorry!" He quickly folded his wings. "Can I help you?" He bent down slightly to the smaller demons.

"Uh, could you please sign this for us?" One of the demons held up a poster.

The demon was confused, what would he possibly si-

Y/n quietly stared at the poster. "I-is that, me?" It was incredibly artistic, there was no really defining features, except for his wings and his hooked tail, but it was definitely him, the rope around his arms, holding up the capital of Sloth. He was shadowed out and made to look like some sort of powerful being. "Where did you get this?"

The question made the trio much more nervous than before. "Uh, online?" They looked like they were shaking in their boots.

"Huh?" He looked back down at the poster. He pulled out a small pen and shoved the same signature he'd signed over a hundred documents with. "Here." He handed the poster back with calm hands.

Quickly the demon walked off, leaving the three demons to stare down at the poster.
The demon quickly checked the ingredients out and promptly left the store. Flying back towards his destination, he scrolled through his phone.

The Demon spoke what he typed. "Demon in Sloth..." Came up with various news sources on the incident in Gluttony. He found the most prominent article. "Ex-High Prosecutor Justice saves the Sloth Ring along with Overseer Belphegor. A horde of demonic beasts along with two dragons were taken down during the subsequent battle..." The Demon began to quietly read to himself as the article went on.
It soon went to a point where the demon got bored as it soon went into politics and things he didn't have much care about in all honesty.
Up until... "The most surprising thing about this is the demon that has once again quickly appeared in such a dispute, the newest winged servant of our own Queen of Hell. Their power is on par with that of some knights of multiple Overseers." The demon blinked at the article. "...not correct I assure you..." He told no one in particular.

The article went on further to speculate the history and connections of the demon, a lot of it being obvious theory. However, no regular demon knew that, they would see that trusted source and spread rumours.


The demons below heard it echo.

-Timeskip, brought to you by a blushing Chibi Y/n reading his phone-

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⏰ Last updated: an hour ago ⏰

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Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now