(So, lets try this again)

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Guess whooooooo!

Right... so I kinda, y'know stopped writing for a good bit, no motivation, stuff happens blah blah blah.

I'm not here to talk about that, you may have noticed a lack of a certain arc in the chapters, yes the school arc is gone. DO NOT WORRY HOWEVER! It will come back! Just when I feel like it's time, it just felt hard to continue so it's gone for now, but it makes the story easier for me to write and sets... Ahem something up later.

My schedule kinda died in the middle of the year. I'm not gonna say I can pick back up the pace, because I can't, one week in between chapters like damn.

But I want to use these next chapters to expand upon the characters I actually already have, I read though my story and realised it was definitely expanding to fast. I want you guys to understand more of the world I'm making before making it bigger.

So chapters like, Cerberus and Azazel going out into nature, Justice and Zdrada headed to the guild, some mishaps with the Overseers, Modeus and Tindira getting taught romance and- y'know what I think that's enough spoiling, don't want to get into the juicy stuff.

But hey just to let you guys know. Chapters are coming.

I'll cya guys, this won't be left up for long, thanks for waiting!

Scroll for the next chapter CONTINUING FROM EXAMTAKER!

Oh and the new writing style starts from now on!

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now