Always 1st Place

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"Ugh." The servant woke up in a cold sweat and looked around his room. "That was... weird..." He could swear he had just hugged Justice before leaving to hug Lore- Azazel and Lucifer. "Just a dream...?"

He shook his head before realising his room wasn't smashed up at all either. "That was weird." Y/n stood up. He went to his wardrobe and opened it only for a tiny, red, three headed dog to jump out. He tried to catch the small dog only for her to split up into three of her demon sized forms.


"Master!" One tackles him down. "Morning!" She yawns jumping on top of him and the other. "WE'RE FREE!" The last screams but ends up falling on the pile.

"Ow ow ow, what were you doing in there?" He rubs his head, watching as the demon dogs just shrug in unison. "Of course." He sighs. "Well if you excuse me I gotta get dressed."

All three bodies just stare at him.

"That means get off." He deadpans at the trio.

They all hop off, and one steps on the others tail. Causing them to start to argue, the other just looks at the two before looking back. Y/n cringes at his wardrobe

"Did you guy destroy all of my suits?!" All of his clothing had been ripped to shreds, they bundled up on the floor of the wardrobe.

"No! Only five!" They stop arguing. "No! It was seven!" The two glare at each other before the one tackles the other. The third just 'innocently' shrugs at you.

"Hopefully Lucifer won't mind, it's just one day without a suit." He tries to find some wearable clothes. He'll have to ask Beelzebub for another favour, doubt she'll be happy about him not even getting to try some of those clothes.

"But your going to Pandy's work today." The one calm demon dog reminded Y/n of the day, while her two counterparts wrestled around with each other.

"Oh yeah, you're right! Thank you for reminding me." He rubs her head putting a pleasing face on all three demon dogs, the other two stopped fighting to get more pats from Y/n, only to not get any, as he looks back into the wardrobe. It was getting colder so he was gonna wear some nice warm clothes.

If they were in there either.

He turned around to see Cerberus all rubbing their arms looking down. He didn't notice the jumpers, his jumpers, they wore at first. "It's fine don't worry. The only thing I'm concerned about is where all my other clothes are. I literally got a new batch from Beel a few days ago."

Most of his casual clothes were missing and there was really one suspect who stood out, at least recently.

So he walked in front of a door with heart decorations on the front and knocked on the door before entering. Modeus was lying on her stomach reading a book, while wearing an oversized hoodie. His hoodie to be exact.

"Modeus." He leans against the door frame.

"Oh, hello Y/n!" She closes her book, jumps off her bed and walks over.

"Im gonna need my hoodies back." She immediately jumps back with horrified face, as if he said he was going to kill her. "You can't have it!" She shakes her head quickly.

"Can I ask why?" He tries to get closer but she walks backwards. "This is the only thing I have to keep me warm!" She says as she's wearing her iconic turtleneck sweater underneath.

"I..." He sighs. "Can I at least have my other ones." Knowing he's probably not getting that back one back.

The amount of times clothes have been stolen in this house and all, well you know, breaks loose. Last week was actually awful, over one singular shirt that Zdrada had bought, it had passed all throughout the house. Thank god the difference can be easily told his and their clothes.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now