Main Event

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You open your eyes to find yourself in a void. Nothing but darkness surrounds you. You stand up wondering where you are until it hits you.

Y/n: "Isn't this where I came when I got my title."

A large golden text appears before you.

'Y/n L/n: The Helpful Demon'

Quickly something is added on to the end of the text, another title.

'The Strongest Servant'

It then begins writing a description.

'You have won the right to be known as the Strongest Servant through a tournament. Due to this title, you will go faster, punch harder, and your wings will grow further. When doing something your master asks you will become stronger, however if you disobey, your strength will stay the same'

Y/n: "The Helpful Demon and the Stronget Servant, ey. Seems fitting."

You quickly fall over and were finally, slowly, actually waking up after passing out, you open your eyes to just see white. It feels like you're being covered by blankets, as you struggle to move, you finally move your head to find-

Belphegor: "[Yawn] Good evening Y/n..."

You find yourself right next to the smiling Sloth Overseer. The thing you were apparently in was her hair, which was one of the softest things you've ever felt.

You lift yourself up to find yourself with her in bed and look around to everyone you were with before, a couple of them glaring at you.

Y/n: "What time is it?" You groan.

Asmodeus: "Almost time for the auction."

Mammon: "There still cleaning up your mess."

Y/n: "Great." Then your jaw snaps shut, as you feel all the pain you gathered hit at once, as if muscles tear and heal rapidly, your energy getting drained and refilled over again, your body becomes heavy as you fall back down on the bed.

Belphegor: "Looks like he still wants to sleep with me." She says rubbing your head.

Justice: "It's because of the spell he used, it pretty much removes the limits of his body. However the pain of using it is apparently excruciating. At least that was happened the last time he used it." She sighs annoyed.

Leviathan: "What'd he use it for last time."

Justice: "To fight me. Only lasted five minutes with the spell though."

Mammon: "Considering you have the strength of an Overseer. I have to admit, that's pretty damn good for a normal demon."

Lucifer: "I don't think he's just some regular demon at this point."

They all look over at you. Belphegor whispers something to you before your body goes completely numb, not being able to feel or move anything other than your mouth.

Y/n: "This feels weird and nice at the same time."


Y/n: "Finally... I can get my book..."

The auction had finally began after way too godamn long.

Pink clouds appeared in front of every person and inside the cloud was a screen, as if a close up of the Announcer and his stage. This is to make sure every noble can see what there actually buying.

Summarising the auction.

As soon as aphrodisiacs where mentioned, four hands were instantly raised trying to buy them, Asmodeus, Modeus, Lily and Sathanas. Asmodeus got most of the stronger ones, Lily got a few and Modeus got one, which concerned you because you live with her. Sathanas was at first drooling at the idea of an aphrodisiac, but quickly soon gained her composure.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now