New Job

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Pride Ring, Respectu Sui, Lucifer's Palace

In the centre of the Pride Ring stood a grand golden castle, with a moat of River Styx surrounding it.

Truly one of the most incredible places of Hell, considered to be the start of the legacy of Lucifer.

And you were about to enter it.

You had just finished your flight to the centre of the Pride Ring.

Y/n: "Never worn a suit before and I'm glad I never have, god this is uncomfortable." You say moving your hand around the collar of your suit.

You were wearing a collared f/c dress shirt with a black suit over it, with suit pants. Wearing a pair of sleek black shoes. You had your brand new belt with your grimoire attached to the side.

You start walking in towards the large double doors.

Using a large amount of effort to actually open them, you enter a large room with multiple elevators and one desk with a giant buff skeleton in a suit behind it.

You walk over to the skeleton.

Y/n: "Uh, hi, Im the new guy, where do I go to get to Lucifer."

The skeleton looks at you, before taking a notepad and pen out it's desk drawer and writing something down.

It rips out what it wrote, passes you the piece of paper and points towards an elevator.

On the paper are some directions.

Y/n: "Uh, thanks."

He waves you off.

You enter the elevator and click the '50' floor button.

As the elevator doors open you find yourself standing in a grand empty throne room, it was gorgeous, with a beautiful throne.

The directions stated to go around the right side of throne past the curtains, they'll be a door and you'll find Lucifer.

So you do exactly that you open the door and enter an even bigger room than the throne room.

This room filled to the brim with paperwork, so much worse then Pandemonica's office. 20 foot tall towers of uneven, unorganised paperwork.

As you walk through the labyrinth of paperwork, you finally find a clearing, where Lucifer sits, doing paperwork.

She looks completely out of it, bags under her eyes, emotionless, with no sort of hope whatsoever.

Y/n: "Uh Boss."

Lucifer: "Mm." She grumbles a response.

You just decide to use your ability to see how you can help because you doubt you'll get concise answer.

'Too Much Paperwork' 'Haven't Slept In Days' 'Too Much Paperwork' 'Back Pain' 'To Much Paperwork' 'Haven't Eaten' 'Too Much Paperwork'

The words begin to pile up around her.

You walk up to her.

Y/n: "You need to sleep."

Lucifer: "No, I need to finish this." She grumbles once again.

Y/n: "Sleep."

Lucifer: "Work."

Y/n: "Sleep."

Lucifer: "Work."

Y/n: "Sleep."

Lucifer: "Work."

Y/n: "Work."

Lucifer: "Sleep."

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now