Overseers (P.1)

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Pride Ring, Respectu Sui, Lucifer's Palace

You stood infront of Lucifer as she told you your assignment.

Lucifer: "I need you to gather the reports from the Overseers."

Y/n: "The Overseers, me? Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Lucifer: "Look I can't meet them at the moment because you put all my meetings for this week!"

Y/n: "Well maybe if you put down 'Meeting Overseers' in the calendar than I wouldn't have changed it."

Lucifer: "Argh! You little-"

Y/n: "Im taller than you." You narrow your eyes.

Lucifer: "ᚷᛁᚡᛖ ᛗᛖ ᚨ ᚴᚾᛁ-" She begins to chant.

Y/n: "Wait, I'm sorry! We can talk about this!"

-A couple minutes later-

Your in the air with a knife in your shoulder.

Y/n: "We could not talk about that." You say flying though the sky once again. "I have to meet some of the most influential demons in Hell, why does this feel so underwhelming... To be fair I guess I am friends with Justice, Judgement and have met Lucifer... God I can't believe I went from orphan to working for Lucifer. [Chuckles] I wonder if Mom would be proud..." You smile all the way to the Gluttony Ring.

The winds become colder, sharper, the ground becomes pure white, a frozen wasteland, icicles the size of buildings piercing through the ground.

Y/n: "Foínikas ávra" A sphere of fire expands from the centre of your body, to protect your wings from the snow.

Flying towards a town near a mountain you finally start diving to land.

The town is filled with houses of tudor architecture, lanterns hang from poles, while flowers and vines seem to grow without caring for the snow.

As told you walk through the town, on a cobblestone path. towards the mansion in the town.

You get to the double doors of the mansion and knock three times.

The doors open wide as you enter the mansion from the freezing cold of the Ring. Closing the door and entering a large room, with a double grand staircase and what looks to be guards with swords at every corner.

There are two lines of maids, each side of the door and what seems to to be an old butler walking through the lines towards you.

Butler: "Welcome, to our Lord's mansion, Sir Y/n."

Y/n: "...huh?"

Butler: "Please follow me."

Y/n: "Must be an older generation. Sure..."

You follow the butler past the maids into the door between the double staircase into a corridor.

Butler: "I was informed that you are a modern generation, so please don't worry if your confused it's just that we do things a little differently."

Y/n: "Oh no, don't worry about it, I'll be fine I'm just coming to grab the reports, then I'm gone."

Butler: "I do suggest you stay for food. It's an important time here."

Y/n: "I... y'know what, sure just a very quick bite." You shrug.

A large amount of noise and clattering comes from further inside.

You stop and turn walking into what seems to be a dining room.

The room is filled with a large table piled with food. There seems to be a young boy standing on the table eating.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now