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"You are so go damn stupid!"

It was so cold.

"Why the hell didn't I check!"

But even in the cold.

"I'm so damn sorry."

There was a beautiful warmth.

"Ah you're awake!"

Cerberus had finally opened her eyes. She watched as the servant demon ran around somewhat groggily.

She was bundled up tightly with multiple blankets and pillows. She was sat on the ground, her bodies facing the crackling fire. It was really pretty to her, really pretty, so much so she thought it should it spread.

"Don't even think about it Cerb." Y/n had shouted from across the room, realising that he had left Cerberus in a room with a large fire.

The triple demon immediately turned one of her heads to see him throwing ingredients into a large pot. He was muttering something to himself over and over, she watched his mouth move over and over again, a single word repeating...

She slowly moved her head back to the fire as a heavy pit formed in her stomach, which caused a chain reaction as the other two bodies dropped their heads downwards.

It felt like all the energy to lift their heads had disappeared as he walked by with the clunking pot. He clicked the pot over the fire.

When they did finally gain the energy to look at the demon, he was tired, his eyes were squinted, he was slightly hunched as he walked.

His usual light and bubbly demeanour had been rid of, Cerberus immediately recognised the mood as if he was overworked.

She had made it difficult for him... More then they should have done.

They all looked down in shame, a feeling much unlike any other to them, they were Hellhounds, meant to cause chaos, thrive in it and feel no shame being themselves.

But they never could realise when they went too far before going too much further then that.

"Gaia you guys look awful." He had noticed the three looking down as if there excited energy they always had been sapped right out of them all at once.

One of the heads looked back up to the demon's usual gentle smile.

It was such a quick swap of emotions.

His newly focused irises completely took attention away from the eyebags that were forming.

His once tense body language working to make food had turned into careful control of his ars as he wrapped the triple demon into another blanket.

Was he putting up a front for them.

Why was he lying about his actual opinion.

Even with Cerberus's three heads she couldn't figure out why he was doing this.

But as they got warmer and she started feeling better and her senses began regaining their old sharpness.

They listened closely as he stirred the pot.

The demon couldn't think clearly right now so instead opted to whisper to himself. "Such an idiot." The hellhound winced at that. "Why did I bring them here?" "Such a bad idea..." Cerberus was about to just stop listening completely however... "They must be upset at me right now... not even talking to me." "Makes sense dragged them out her and now they're sick..." "I'm such an idiot."

Cerberus quickly pushed her heads upwards with a confused gaze, they let out a confused "Huh?"

Y/n looked back to see her staring at him with confusion, he could tell the gears were turning in their heads. Their faces then turned to annoyance as they showed their fangs, Y/n jerked his head back with a sweat-drop appearing on his cheek.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now